Whites Fusion - Amazing Drysuit!

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Mark Duddridge

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Whenever I'm contemplating a new piece of dive gear, my first stop for information is usually Scubaboard. So... in case any of you are shopping for a drysuit and are sitting on the fence as to whether to purchase the Whites Fusion... read on!

I purchased my Fusion about six months ago. Since then, I've done about 50 dives in it with the most recent being three dives last Saturday in water that was 32 F and air temperature that was -26 F with windchill.

Before purchasing the Fusion, I also considered the Bare Nex-Gen and several models of DUI. It was the incredible range of motion, nice trim fit, and attractive price tag that tipped the scales in favor of the Fusion.

I LOVE IT! Absolutely no complaints whatsoever. Granted, this is the first drysuit I've dived in... so take my opinion for what it's worth!

Fellow divers can't believe how much range of motion the suit allows me. An experienced dry-suit diver came up to me the first time I tried it on and warned me that I'd better make sure I put on my boots before I zipped up, or I wouldn't be able to reach them. Not an issue for the Fusion! Anything I can do in a 5 mil wetsuit I can do in my Fusion. It is so comfortable I usually put it on at the beginning of the day and don't take it off until I go home. I've done six dives in a row in frigid water and had no problems staying warm and comfortable. The fit is so trim and comfortable that I usually dive my tanks dry, load them into my car, drive to the marina to get them filled, come back, and keep diving without ever getting out of my suit. It takes me half the time and effort to slip into my Fusion than it takes all my dive buddies to struggle into their big, heavy DUI suits.

Today, if I could purchase DUI's most expensive suit for the same price I paid for my Fusion, I'd still choose the Fusion without hesitation.


Can I say, "We told you so"? :D
Congrats on the new suit!! Every other suit on the market, after you dive a Fusion, is out dated! Plain and simple, If you try one, you will fall in love! The theory behind it is just what drysuit divers needed and Whites came out with one stellar product and an even better price!

Congrats again with your new suit!!
I 100% agree with the OP on this suit - I have now made 7 dives with my fusion - #8 will be tomorrow. I had an Oceanic Aerdura tri-lam previously - that was an uncomfortable suit - the fusion is truly amazing and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! It's simple, it's comfortable and the range of motion is amazing!

I dive for over an hour in shallow chilly water and have a blast doing it with this suit!

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