While the boss is away... the cats will play (mostly havoc)...

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The Chairman

Chairman of the Board
Reaction score
Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Irma is heading towards my little slice of heaven in O'Brien Florida. She was supposed to leave me alone, but she's a stalker and she's finally got me in her sights. In a moment of panic, I realized I had to join my fellow Floridididididians and evacuate, and not just my bowels. No hotels were available, so I started thinking outside the box. Hey! Let's call Chris! Maybe I can stay at his warehouse! I make the call only find out that business has taken Cerich to the left coast! ARRRGH! But wait... what's that, Chris? @Todd Bissonette will be there too? He'll let me, Ma~ and Silt in and let us hide from Irma up there? COOL! THANKS! I know, I know... you wanted me to be as committed as this guy:


But, I'm a wimp! I got the kitties together, parked the ScubaBoard van in a safe (?) location, kissed my new home goodbye, got in the Kia Niro and braved the traffic all the way up to Forsythe Ga. No, I can't say it like a local. Here's a pic of the traffic I braved:


I saw twenty cars at one time, but that was way north. It was like everyone was staying home for some reason. The kitties sang the traditional songs of their people, I tried to harmonize and we got there in short order. No problemos, except for Silt silting all over her cage and stinking Ma~ and me out until I stopped and washed the cat and her carrier. Twice. I'm afraid, she's stuck in her carrier until her tummy gets better. :(

Being hunter gatherers, Todd and I went down to stalk game at the local WalMart which is actually backerds (Don't ask, that's how they say it). It's the mirror image of every other WalMart in the world: backerds. We tracked down some steak and other good vittles and I found out that Todd can grill! Woot!

If you've never been to Deep 6 headquarters: well, it's still under construction. There's orange and gray paint everywhere. Unfortunately, chairs and tables are still kind of scarce, so when it was time to eat, I sat at @cerich's desk. In front of me sat a keyboard and two monitors. Did I mention that Chris was in California?


It was easy enough to turn the system on and it booted just like a Dell mostly because it was a Dell. What would Chrissy use as a password, I wonder? Birthdates didn't cut it. His sub number wasn't in there. It's not the address here. No. No way. I can't believe it. I type in "Deep6#1!" and I'm in! 2 phreakin phunni! I didn't have to get all that creative, either. There's the office server, there's the web server, there's the shopping cart. Oh hey, that could be fun. In the name of let no good deed go unpunished, I found the discount codes on his shopping cart. Wanna save a bit while Chris is in lala land??? Here's my hurricane evacuation gift to ScubaBoard:

Take an extra 10% off of your entire purchase!
Let's make it for the next week!
Checkout Code: TheChairman

So have some fun and get some gear so you can get your Hurricane Diver Specialty card. Make sure you post a picture of it in here with kudos if you're wearing it in an Irma generated mud puddle.
I'm still tryin to figure out why @cerich said I needed to evacuate from NY?!?
After a stout breakfast, and gathering up Ma~ and little Silt (with some wrangling of the couch!) I'm happy to report that @The Chairman has headed back towards the ScubaBoard lair for inspection after the storm! We hunkered down for yesterday and last night, with some bing watching of "Ozark". We were lucky here at the @Deep Six fortress and just had to watch the rain and listen to some wind... even only lost the internet for sporadically.

My thoughts and prayers to any and everyone who has been misplaced and hindered by the storms. As divers we are resilient and shall overcome, and adapt.

To borrow a phrase used by a colleague and mentor...

"Fortitudine Vincimus" - By endurance we shall Conquer

The siege of the Deep 6 Warehouse has ended. We accomplished our goals: Mayhem. Thanks to my accomplice, er host Todd! We had fun. I'm writing up a bit more on the journey home on another thread: The Homecoming!

Don't forget that discount times out on Sunday. Here's something you DON'T know: The Eddy Fin prices are going up. Now's one of the final chances to get those fins at the super cheap price and then get another %10 off. You've been warned: I saw the memo!


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the code TheChairman doesn't seem to work.....

Try now, you were likely not logged in, but code should work for guest checkout now as well.

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