Which Compressor

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I'm looking to purchase a compressor but I don't want to spend a lot of $$$$

Can I use any compressor that has an output of 3000psi plus, I found one for around $999 that will do 3600psi, but Its for a jet wash system, so I would have to an air filter setup on the output line, my question is "Is it possible to use a non scuba compressor with a air filter?"

If not, please could someone advise a cheap compressor

Originally posted by sulaco
Can I use any compressor that has an output of 3000psi plus, I found one for around $999 that will do 3600psi, but Its for a jet wash system, so I would have to an air filter setup on the output line,
I am working on an answer for you sulaco but I have to keep deleting it because it won't pass through my *nice & gentle* filter...

In the meantime you will probably hear from a few folk who are not incumbered by such filters...


Oooooooh.... I just had to delete a really good one....

Shoot, this is hard....
I see a couple used ones on Ebay once in a while.

1) get a compressor that is specifically designed/dedicated for breathing air. For various reasons in design & filtering, that is the only way to ensure that you will get good clean air fills that are SAFE to breathe at the surface and at depth.

2) aquaint yourself with the major brands: Bauer, Mako, Jordair, etc. Make up your "wish" list: how many cfm? What power source (electric, diesel, gas)? Etc.

3) Look for a good used one. If you live near or have access to a harbour area, check the local marine supply shops; sometimes they buy them & offer them refurbished to people. Frankly I would stay away from online auctions like Ebay simply because you won't be able to have the unit checked out beforehand and have no recourse if it doesn't function properly.

When we lived on our sailboat, we had a Bauer 8.3 cfm gas powered unit that we mounted forward of the mast. It could fill 2 80 cfm tanks in about 10 minutes (dual whip) and we could set it high enough to fill my HP steels quite easily. However, we were running our own sail/dive charter & paid about $5K for it... :wink:

Bon chance,

SubMariner gets this months award for "Nice N Polite.

It never ceases to amaze me when people want to cut corners when it comes to their life support equipment.

Sulaco, for that money you may be able to find a SCUBA compressor with condensator/filter and be ready to go. Just because you're on a budget doesn't mean that you have to settle for a "jurry rig".

Look for a 3.5 cfm/3500 psi, or better, unit on E Bay or in the classified. Six months ago, I saw a NEW Bauer Utilus go for $1200.00. It was a slick gas powered unit weighing 105 lbs, perfect for personal use.

I suggest you check in when you spot a specific compressor for sale. Somebody here will be familiar with the model and fair price, I'm sure.

The only thing on E BAY right now is something to avoid; an ancient MAKO/Bauer with Briggs engine and old fashioned filter system.

Hi sulaco,
Welcome to ScubaBoard....
About that compressor you are interested in....
As others have already explained it is probably not a good idea....

What you want to do with a compressor is important you know....
For us to give you good advice on what to get....
Please answer questions below....

1) Portable or Home based
2) Air only or nitrox too
3) Just yourself or friends too
4) LP tanks or HP tanks
5) Fills per month
6) Maxium budget
7) Proximity to neighbors

Another thing to consider is repair and filter expense....
Another thing to consider is parts availability & cost....
Another thing to consider is a possible partnership....

I just knew that if you tried REAL hard, you had it in you.

Nice job, but still 2nd place.

I'd like to thank all my family & friends for this wonderful award...

Wait.. that was LAST NIGHT at the OSCARS...

So who won the "not so nice n polite" award?



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