Where to put compass and computer?

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Pensacola, FL
My gear currently is setup with press gauge, compass, and computer all in a US Divers Pivot console. My compass decided to let seawater inside, so I ordered a new one. Now I'm thinking about getting a wrist mount model. Is this the "prefered" way to do it? How about the little dive computer? Should this be wrist mounted also? Do they go on different arms, or the same one? I'd like to hear some opinions.
I wear my compass on my wrist as well as an analog depth gauge
I will be getting a new computer, wrist mounted as well.

The reason, well

I connect my pressure gauge to the left D ring, i wear the wrist mounts cause it give me better access to my gauges. I found it was easier for me to navigate using my wrist mount compass.
The analog depth gauge is a back up.
As usual, it depends...
I have my compass on a console with my computer and SPG for open water diving. When caving, I wear a computer on one wrist and bottom timer on the other; I carry my compass on a slate in my pouch. When wrecking I usually don't carry a compass at all.
I wear compass on the left wrist and computer on the right. My reasoning -- nice to be able to manipulate BC inflator/dump while looking at the computer during ascent/descent. hard to do this if computer is on the left.
I have two compasses...one mounted on the console and my primary one on a retractor. The reason for the console mount is I use it as a backup for shooting a back asmuth and besides, it came with the console. It comes in handy if the bezel on my primary accidentally gets "bumped". I love night dives and also dive low-vis and prefer the retractor because it is more comfortable to hold and keep level. With the wrist mount, you must keep your arm up and wrist level, and with the console/hose mount it feels too "restictive". Holding the retractable with both hands gives me the most accurate read.

safe dives!
It really depends on what you are most comforatble with. I started diving with everything in a consloe, but have since changed. My compass and computer are both wrist mounted now, and my spg is on my left hip d-ring. I have found this works best for me. If you like the console, and you are comfortable with it, there really is no reason to change.
I have my Genisis SPG and computer on my console attached to my left hip D ring. I suppose in theory I would have said as well that this would make it hard using the inflator hose and looking at computer at the same time, but it works fine for me. I'm not sure how I do it cos I never thought about it so it must be comfortable. Definitely sometimes during safety stops I tend to unhook the gauge, cross my right arm across my body, prop the gauge sticking out by my right elbow where I can just glance at it.
I have my wrist compass hanging off my right BC shoulder strap - sometimes a bit hard to find it. It would probably be better on the console but then I would have to be unhooking it all the time to hold the compass properly.
I used to have huge problems getting the right reading out of my wrist-mounted compass until I tried a retractable one.


Never had a problem ever since.

I wear my computer on my left wrist when diving wet, on the right when diving dry, because my valve is really low (Scubapro dry-suit, wonderful in every other aspect).
I wear my computer on the right wrist, SPG clipped off on the left side and have my compass on a retractor.
Compass and computer on left wrist, computer on right wrist.

Used to have SPG/compass/computer console on a retractor. The compass is much easier to use in the new configuration, and the computers are much more accessible.

Have the SPG clipped to the left D-ring, but am dissatisfied with accessibility. Can't see it fully when clipped, can't extend the connection to the hose further down without increasing dragging/entanglement risk significantly. It's also a royal pain to reclip. All this is with heavy gloves.

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