I know you’ve traditionally posted all of your experiences with your training, which I have not kept up on. So which CCR did you go with? in the spirit of solo diving, I thought you would enjoy this comment.
I think I posted earlier about how I decided to take a solo course while I was here on island, not my original intent, and I’ve been diving solo for a long time, but one of the boats required it, etc etc.
Anyway, my instructor was awesome, and I actually learned some stuff from him. Alot of advice was more technical in nature, which made me decide to finish my advanced nitrox and decompression procedures, which I started a few years ago and was stopped because of Covid. In order to do that, I went through sidemount first, because I didn’t wanna dive with doubles on my back.
Anyway, to make a long story short, my instructor is a huge fan of CCR, and just picked up the liberty side mount CCR to use as his backup/bail out in conjunction with his 80 tri-mix sidemount bail out, with a Hollis Prism II on his back. His plan is to dive CCR solo with this set up. Pretty sweet.
End of story.