Where did you dive today?

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Just a nice weekend...


Though this dive was too short to log...

[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
423|Vinkeveense plassen|56 Minutes|9M/30Ft|17C/63F
424|Vinkeveense plassen|20 Minutes|6M/20Ft|18C/64F
425|Nieuwe Kerkweg|61 Minutes|11M/36Ft|18C/64F
426|Nieuwe Kerkweg|47 Minutes|7M/23Ft|18C/64F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
Just a nice weekend...


Though this dive was too short to log...

[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
423|Vinkeveense plassen|56 Minutes|9M/30Ft|17C/63F
424|Vinkeveense plassen|20 Minutes|6M/20Ft|18C/64F
425|Nieuwe Kerkweg|61 Minutes|11M/36Ft|18C/64F
426|Nieuwe Kerkweg|47 Minutes|7M/23Ft|18C/64F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
Is this picture of you?
Is this picture of you?

Take a good look at his wrists.:rofl3::rofl3:

Yep thats EL.
Had a great weekend. 2 dives on the Boyton reefs Sat and Sun was The Guy Harvey, 140ft 53min TTS, then a reef.
Yesterday: Catalina (casino point)
Today: Oil Rig (Eureka)
ok last 3 days, did 5 dives for the AOW, today was the deep and did a wreck, had a blast, saw 103 feet for the first time, and my first wreck on the second dive today, anyway I made it out of the water safe and sound, but want to go back soon.

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