where 2 put my weight belt

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Southern california all ways want a dive buddy
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50 - 99
i have recently bought a pionner wing with ss backplate and was wondering where to put my weight belt because it seams that if i put it over my croch strap i would not be able 2 remove the bc system but if i put it under i would not be able to remove the weight belt any help would be great
Most put it under the crotch strap. FWIW, I wear mine under the strap, however, it is yellow vs. the black bp harness to make it easier to locate should I need to release it...which I don't expect to ever have to do.

There are pros and cons with everthing. Do some searches on the topic and make the decision that make the most sense to you. You ultimately have to be comfortable with the setup, regardless what other say or do.
Under, won't be able to accidentally lose your belt.
i have recently bought a pionner wing with ss backplate and was wondering where to put my weight belt because it seams that if i put it over my croch strap i would not be able 2 remove the bc system but if i put it under i would not be able to remove the weight belt any help would be great

are you diving wet or dry? I think the general consensus is if you are diving wet, then over the crotch strap, if you are diving dry, then under the crotch strap.

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