gdive:Mmm? Well I am not sure this will convince you but the OMS web site lists BC118-K as a Dual Bladder BC with 94#s of lift. I would ASSUME (I know I am setting myself up with that) that it is saying both bladders fully inflated will produce lift of 94#s. If you are correct that 2-94# bladders are included it would have to inflate to twice the size of the single bladder, 94# wing. Don't think that this happens. Mine seems to inflate to the same size as the single bladder.
As you pointed out in your discussion on redundancy, the objective of a dual bladder wing is not to inflate both bladders at the same time, it is to have a second bladder to use only if the primary bladder fails. Put another way, the Wing is designed to provide 94# of lift whether the primary or the secondary bladder is used.
If you inflate both bladders to the capacity of the outer shell, you are only inflating each bladder 1/2 way (or to whatever proportion the difference in inflator performance allows) A simple test would be to inflate both bladders until the OPV pops, deflate one of the bladders & see a). how much the wing shrinks and b). if you can inflate the one with air still in it more.
I have sent OMS an email to clarify this point.