I've had 3 hoses that really aren't that old go out on me in the last 3 months. It's never been catastrophic, just a small line of bubbles from the crimp. I don't bend my hoses in any particular way that should warrant that.. so what gives? I don't leave them "out" in the elements at all. I won't say where I bought them as I think that's irrelevant. That place doesn't make hoses, they just resell them. So that begs the question. How long do you expect a hose to last? I have a 24" HP hose that's every bit of 10 years old as it was a hand me down and it's right as rain. I would think "replace as necessary" for hoses, but all the hoses that leaked were less than 2 years old? (One might have been 3). Do you have a set timeline to replace hoses?