There have been many discussions about cold tolerance. Particularly the "I'm new and going to -------- to dive. What thickness wetsuit should I buy".
And people start to give opinions.
Growing up in NYC area I did not like swimming in cold ocean water. Maybe liked it by mid July when it ocean temp. hit 72F.
Age 23 moved to Northern Manitoba, featuring 7 months of winter including 3 with the AVERAGE daytime air temp. in the sun (It's colder when no clouds up in the North) being -25C (-15F or so) and night -30 to -40 (C-F is same at -40 as that's where they overlap). So, I got used to it. After several years there, I found returning to NY in summer to overbearingly hot, though it never bothered me when 10 years younger and living there.
Now--after 13 years in Nova Scotia, the cold is creeping back in, because it's so much warmer here than up North. I've dived my 7 mil farmer john the whole 13 years and gradually have begun to feel the cold diving more and more.
It's not age, and not whether you're a wimp in the cold or are crazy for diving wet in such frigid waters as the 50sF--or even 60s. It's what your body gets used to over time. That's the only (well at least main) reason some people actually use drysuits in Florida, and apparently not just on the panhandle in winter.