To summarize the theme here:
1. Oceanic gives this software away.
2. The intention is to create demand for their Dive Computers and cable kits.
3. They are apparently unwilling to invest the resources required to
A) Make the software work reliably.
B) Port it to non-windows platforms.
4. They are also reluctant to publish the interface protocol so others may fill the gaps.
This combination mystifies many posters here who are software professionals of some ilk (this includes me, abeit retired). To boil it down, if better or more accessible (e.g. Mac) software will sell more Oceanic hardware (seems obvious), and Oceanic gives their software away, why not let others help out with s/w development at minimal cost to Oceanic?
So I'll ask Doug to answer that. Rather than badger him for actions that Oceanic is apparently unwilling to take, maybe just explain Oceanic's concerns and decision processes. He doesn't have to, but I'll submit that he should want to:
If the reasons make business sense, I think most here would stop the complaints.
He ought to prefer that state of affairs. :cool2:
If the reasoning is faulty, perhaps we can make progress here convincing Oceanic of that. If I was running a business and made a faulty decision, I'd want it corrected, eh? The goal is to sell more dive computers and cables, right?
I'll muddy the waters with my speculation: Oceanic has contracted with some third party that now owns some aspect of the protocol, or exclusive rights to supply interface software for Oceanic's computers. So they are not free to do what we all think is in Oceanic's interest, leaving us puzzled. Really, that's the best I can come up with to explain Oceanic's position.
Doug, can I convince you to at least explain Oceanic's position here?
1. Oceanic gives this software away.
2. The intention is to create demand for their Dive Computers and cable kits.
3. They are apparently unwilling to invest the resources required to
A) Make the software work reliably.
B) Port it to non-windows platforms.
4. They are also reluctant to publish the interface protocol so others may fill the gaps.
This combination mystifies many posters here who are software professionals of some ilk (this includes me, abeit retired). To boil it down, if better or more accessible (e.g. Mac) software will sell more Oceanic hardware (seems obvious), and Oceanic gives their software away, why not let others help out with s/w development at minimal cost to Oceanic?
So I'll ask Doug to answer that. Rather than badger him for actions that Oceanic is apparently unwilling to take, maybe just explain Oceanic's concerns and decision processes. He doesn't have to, but I'll submit that he should want to:
If the reasons make business sense, I think most here would stop the complaints.
He ought to prefer that state of affairs. :cool2:
If the reasoning is faulty, perhaps we can make progress here convincing Oceanic of that. If I was running a business and made a faulty decision, I'd want it corrected, eh? The goal is to sell more dive computers and cables, right?
I'll muddy the waters with my speculation: Oceanic has contracted with some third party that now owns some aspect of the protocol, or exclusive rights to supply interface software for Oceanic's computers. So they are not free to do what we all think is in Oceanic's interest, leaving us puzzled. Really, that's the best I can come up with to explain Oceanic's position.
Doug, can I convince you to at least explain Oceanic's position here?