What is "User CP" button at top of page?

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It stands for User Control Panel and it allows you to adjust your personal settings for the board.
Also, if you have your preferences set up to show them, you can have all the threads you have replied to automatically show up in the User CP window if their are any new replies. I always go there first.
What is "User CP" button at top of page?

Just exactly what does it stand for and what does it do/show me when I click on it.


Where is your sense of adventure?? Click it and see!! :wink:
The referral url is a url that tracks back to your account. If you use it to tell someone about scubaboard when they sign up they become linked to your account. You can track your referrals in your profile or the referal statistics page, if you care about these things. It's just another feature...

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