SMB diver (I do not need a specialty to shoot an SMB)
I actually use this course in the AOW course that I teach, as the last adventure dive, as I feel it brings core skills together. It can also be used to address a number of issues that a diver may have. Now one may say that a diver should never have had such issues, but let's say a diver is returning to diving after a period of time for whatever reason (illness, area of residence, parenthood, changing interest, whatever). It could serve as a good refresher course or something missed, not practiced in previous courses for whatever reason.
That said, I think that PADI has hit the market of infrequent/vacation divers quite well. Many divers don't dive often. They may want to take a short course to improve some skillset while they are on vacation.
People know I recommend GUE fundies ad nauseum and I will continue to do so, as it is an excellent class (at least where I am taught). But 4 days straight, 8 to 5, is too much for many people. One of my friends just can't do that with his schedule, and he's a prime candidate diving skills wise for that course, as it would really help him (yes, I know for some people, the course can be broken up in 2 separate weekends, but even 8-5 for 2 days is too much for some people).
I think GUE will continue to survive. Now I'm in the area with the largest GUE community and it is certainly a community. One of the great things about GUE is the people/camaraderie . GUE divers often go to other places with their certification information to match other divers, and it works really well. This is a plus I think. Within the organization, I see a lot less drama. For people that want to dive that way, it works great, and I believe there is a segment of the dive population that will always want to dive that way. I really like@DevonDiver's article:
An Evaluation of the Modern Scuba Diving Training Industry. That top part of the pyramid will continue to grow, I expect. It will consist of dedicated divers from GUE, UTD, ISE, TDI, PADI, SSI, and pretty much all other agencies.