It may very well Not be BS. Please don't forget the second part to the equation. Your disagreement is that the shark's receiver has a small range but look at the transmitter. The "life signal" is very weak. Example: If I shine a little penlight at you underwater it will fade out after several feet. This does not mean that your eyes can only see a few feet away does it. Take a look at the sun. It's a lot farther.....and we won't mention stars.
A fishes bioelectromagnetic signal is extremely weak. It would take an extremely sensitive receiver to pick it up. In comparison to a Gobi a good sized motor could put out a whopping signal.
If you would prefer a more purely electronics answer. I can easily build you a transmitter with battery that will fit in your closed fist. [think little fish] I can show you a receiver [think shark] that can pick up the transmitter up to 50 feet away but then the signal fades out. This same receiver picks up broadcasts from around the world.
In any case.......thanks for the reply.
A fishes bioelectromagnetic signal is extremely weak. It would take an extremely sensitive receiver to pick it up. In comparison to a Gobi a good sized motor could put out a whopping signal.
If you would prefer a more purely electronics answer. I can easily build you a transmitter with battery that will fit in your closed fist. [think little fish] I can show you a receiver [think shark] that can pick up the transmitter up to 50 feet away but then the signal fades out. This same receiver picks up broadcasts from around the world.
In any case.......thanks for the reply.