What is a STA?

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Orange County, CA
Another simple ?? for someone new to b/p/wing setups: What is a STA? Here's another: is the transpac II considered a harness that you can add a b/p/wings to? Thanks, Mike:confused:
NO idea about the transpac.

An STA is a Single Tank Adapter. A little something that bolts to a bp on one side and grabs a tank on the other.
One more comment...because I know this was confusing to me at first.....

The reason behind the STA is that for double tanks, you simply bolt the backplate right to the tank bands (metal bands that hold the doubles together....

.....for a single tank, you need a way to connect the tank to the BP.....thus the STA or the wing shown on Roakey's link.
Originally posted by SPEEDSTER
Another simple ?? for someone new to b/p/wing setups: What is a STA? Here's another: is the transpac II considered a harness that you can add a b/p/wings to? Thanks, Mike:confused:
Others have answered the STA question...
The Transpac is what you use instead of the backplate and harness - it is designed to accomodate either doubles or singles as is, and can be fitted with several different sizes and styles of wings. No STA is required with the Transpac.
thanks for all the info, especially the links. I get it, *light bulb* now I can continue to learn from the posts with 'STA' in it. :D


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