When or at what point does a team dive become a solo dive?
You become a solo diver, whether you intended it or not, when you have no one who you can effectively signal if you become in need of assistance and that individual can provide
effective assistance in a reasonable amount of time.
I think for the purposes of defining solo diving, cortez's definition is right on. Intent is a fact that has to be considered.
What differentiates the explanation above from a solo dive, is that it arises out of team failure. There is an expectation of assisstance from others that suddenly disappears. Such, does not exist during a solo dive.
It could be said that - buddy's could end up alone, involuntarily. This event can not happen in a solo dive, as it begins, progressess, and ends with one diver alone - solo.
Put another way, the buddy divers who involuntarily find themselves alone are dealing with an error - not so for a true solo diver.
So, in my opinion, we need to recognize the fundametal differences which exist here. Thus, a buddy team seperation will result in divers being alone, but these divers will approach this event differently than if they had entered alone - because of intent. (plan)
So, all solo divers dive alone, but, not all divers who find themselves alone - are solo divers diving solo.
Not trying to confuse. But I see a distinction that is useful in differentiating buddy and solo diving.
If you accept this definition, then, a team dive becomes a solo dive - when it is pre-planned as such and seperation occurs according to plan. I would not include brief planned seperation as in the example given by MikeFerrara, since there is knowledge of buddy location and actions and assisstance can be expected.