What have you found (or lost) at the BH

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Reaction score
West Texas/NH/CA
# of dives
200 - 499
Just back from the BH, lots of swimmers, no other divers and great vis. Anyway, found a few more dropped items on the bottom, wonder what else people have found (or lost).

Last month - 6lb lead weight
Today - Hotel key card
$1 bill
2 mask (one rained down on me & I was able to return to owner)
80 cents in change
numerous wt pockets and wt belts (returned them to owner at surface)
a small flashlight
several snorkels (returned to owners at surface)
a Timex watch (kept it and used it for a few yrs)
soda cans, pop tops, plastic bags, and various other trash (would love to return those to owner!)

I know what you mean about the trash.

I saw a 16oz plastic bottle float down yesterday. I filled it full of air and let it rocket back to the surface. Would have loved to seen the bozo's face as it came back from 80'!
when we lived in CO and went down to Blue Hole with our LDS, our group would go down on Sunday morning and do trash pick-up. We took down a mesh bag and filled it up. I can't tell that anyone is doing that anymore as there seems to be so much on the bottom now. Another dive shop used to go in on Sunday afternoon with several tanks and a sprayer attachment and blow silt off the rocks. It mucked up the vis for the rest of day, but once it purged out over the waterfall the vis was great. I haven't seen anyone doing that anymore either and it REALLY needs it. I keep threatening to take a broom down and sweep. ;)


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