What do you bring when a monster is breathing down your neck?

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I know several people who lost their homes in the fires in San Diego. The thing they all regretted losing the most was their photo collection. Photos & art work can not be replaced. Get them all in a central location where you can grab them at one time. Keep a suitcase packed with a few changes of clothes by the door if you are on alert.

The other piece of advice I got was to document your possessions. Take pictures of anything of value, write a replacement cost on the back with whatever back-up you have, and store it in an off site location. (eg. safe deposit box, parent's house, office). This really speeds up the insurance process.

If your buddy has better dive equipment then you, photograph his stuff.:eyebrow:
Last time I had to flee my home due to fire I grabbed, wife, dogs and wallet in that order. If my place had of burn (it didn't) I'd probably be wishing I grab a few more things but only had a few minutes to react.

Glad to hear it passed you by Steve. Do you know if it affected 315 Bollay Drive? I used to work there (Texas Instruments).
315 Bollay Drive is South of 101. Thanks to the amazing work of the 1500 firefighters, the fire was kept to the Los Padres Forest north of the city. To date only a few outbuildings have been destroyed, although if the wind had shifted the wrong way a couple of days ago, it could have been catastrophic.
Thanks for letting me know. It has been 8 years but it brought back some good memories hearing about Goleta. :)
I'm glad you got out and back in. Where we have Hurricane season here, I know all my Fla and Ga coasters have this list. I have hard photos in a big box, 2 irreplacable paintings, Travel bag with bowls for the Great Dane and 3 cats, travel cages for the 2 snakes, pet food, water jugs, laptops, I-Mac(yes it goes!), dive gear is always packed and ready (no tanks for evac), we can pack this and a quick clothes change w/ toothbrushes and the 2 kids in about five minutes. Tight fits, with this crew, but we have practiced and done it for real. And at the end of the day, as long as my family and pets get gone, I am still okay. I also have video tape of the house and contents. I update it regularly. That goes for insurance.
Speaking of...

There is an out of control 1500 acre fire heading toward my neighborhood as I write this, and they just increased the mandatory evacuation area to 2 blocks from my house. Many houses have already burned.

So, my wife and I are really talking about what we'll take if we have to go... The scuba gear is still loaded in the truck from yesterday's dive.
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Sure hope and pray it dies out before destroying more homes Rick.
Thanks Rick. The fire has moved south away from the populated areas (like my neighborhood), but is still out of control. Winds have died out, too, so it looks like the worst is over.

Only 8 houses lost (so far) and no injuries.

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