This is an oldie....
I guess I look at it as learning, sometimes outgrowing (technically or physically), or just a change of the times where someting better comes out (lights, for example). My choices met my needs/budget of the time. Things change. Needs change.
25 years ago, a jacket BC was quite an improvement on a horse-collar (some may disagree). Now its BP/W.....
Some things you can get now, weren't available then.....
My regrets are more based on ill fitting items (not specifically the product), of buying something cheaply made that didn't last as a substitute (most times due to finances) to what I ended up with after I failed the first time....
There are a few things I am glad I never fell for (quackers, spare air, split fins, etc.) that were marketed well beyond their "need" or importance.......
I guess I look at it as learning, sometimes outgrowing (technically or physically), or just a change of the times where someting better comes out (lights, for example). My choices met my needs/budget of the time. Things change. Needs change.
25 years ago, a jacket BC was quite an improvement on a horse-collar (some may disagree). Now its BP/W.....
Some things you can get now, weren't available then.....
My regrets are more based on ill fitting items (not specifically the product), of buying something cheaply made that didn't last as a substitute (most times due to finances) to what I ended up with after I failed the first time....
There are a few things I am glad I never fell for (quackers, spare air, split fins, etc.) that were marketed well beyond their "need" or importance.......