What company is ScubaBoard?

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OMG, Cornfed, that was funny :biggrin: !!
Luckily Pete has a pretty good sense of humor too. ;)
www.ScubaBoard.com, Inc.

Liability, suits and all that other good stuff is always a factor. Congress has made this process easier for internet service and application providers with a very lengthy act that protects providers from being liable for the content posted to their sites. This has helped companies like AOL avoid liability even when one of their paid authors was the subject of a lawsuit. Napster also tried to claim this protection although they were denied the right so clearly it's not avaliable to everyone. :hmmm:

As a few people have hinted, running a board entails a lot more than most people can imagine with a lot more potential problems than I ever want to imagine :wink:
He can't make you more liable than you actually are. But he can take you to court to try to prove his case...

Exactly Thankyou
For the record...

In times past the ownership of ScubaBoard was a fairly tightly held secret with only a few knowing who the owner was. Things were also run less openly and since there no complaints were allowed, it appeared that there might not be any. Bwaahahaha!

I don't feel the need to hide who I am or how the board is run. www.ScubaBoard.com is registered in the state of Florida as a full corporation (not just a SP or LLC). While I am the only stock holder in that corporation, I listen to a wide variety of advisors and consider Tech Admin as my partner. If you feel you need to discuss anything with me, you may find all of my contact info at www.netdocinc.com/contact.htm.

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