What causes

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Key Largo Fl
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I'm a Fish!
Every month when I am a different kind of fish (you know ladies) I seem to get the worst pains in my legs and lower back. It really does not matter weather I dive 30' or 120' the pain is the same. Is this something that we all get or is it just me. And how can I get the pain to go away. It's only when I dive not any other time. Any advise or help would be great.
Does this happen only when you are diving or during the whole day & night?
She says it's only when diving, and I haven't got a clue why that would be. Uterine cramping can be felt in the low back, but why you would only get cramps when underwater is beyond me.
It is not really cramping it feels like I have lifted alot of wieghts all day and ran a 30 mile race. My legs are really sore and my lower back hurts. It's only when I go diving so to not have this problem I just don't dive during that time anymore. But I would like to know what causes it and if I could stop it somehow.
Thanks for all your help I guess I will stay out of the water so not to have pain. I just don't get it. I am fine if I don't go diving. I don't have any pain. I go diving and I have pain for days.

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