What are your Super Bowl Sunday plans?

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Chicagoan living in Texas
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I just Fed Exed 3 Super Bowl T- shirts across the country. One to Florida, one to Boston and one to Milwaukee.
They all have our Reliant Stadium on the back..and Super Bowl XXXVIII
on the front.
This was so my friends can wear official NFL HOUSTON shirts, while watching the SB at various parties.
I'll be wearing mine at a place called BJ's in Houston.
What about you?
And who's going to win?
The usual Sunday thing--I will spend it with my SO, lazily. Food may be involved. Beer, too.
just a little face time with my big screen
well it depends.... we are fixing to leave and drive over to Mississippi and donate to the slot machines. we are planning on coming back home Friday but if we win big we might end up in the Bahamas but more than likely we will be back here so i'll just be sitting here watching the game on the tv with my bride.

I will be diving at San Clemente Island, 41 miles off the southern California shore, with my dive club! I have heard about this fabulous dive site for 2 years and tried to get there once before but the trip diverted to Catalina because of weather. I am crossing my fingers!

What about you?
And who's going to win?

I can't answer the latter question, as the results of this game hinge directly on my wednesday night race series... The last time the Patriots won the super bowl, the Funky Monks tied for first in the championships. We're in 9th, 9 points out of 1st, and 2 pts above 13th, and only 13 or so teams'll make it to the championships. So I can't curse the team to success or failure until after we get through tonights race!

What am I doing for the game? Well, I've got a race up at Wildcat Sunday morning, then I'm jumping in the car and hauling my butt down to my buddy's place about 20 miles northwest of Boston, for a $60/ticket party. Beer, Pizza, and a 42" plasma screen TV that we're watching the game on, and gets raffled off at half time!!!

[Ooh.. Igotta get my pick into the Scubaboard football pool.... lets see if I can pull off 11 for 11 in the playoffs!]
I'll be ice diving in Lake Okoboji, IA. My only interest in the superhype is the commercials, and they'll be playing for weeks after the silly football game is over.

My boyfriend invited me to go with him to Vegas with his buddies. I opted against it, instead I'm going to visit my best friend in OH and plan her wedding. Oh yeah, there will be a party of course...any excuse to have party food and beer right? ;)

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