Suggestion What about...

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No one is disputing that. It's a smoke screen at best. Pulling those threads was a mistake. We all make mistakes. I've made mistakes, you've made mistakes, Pete has made mistakes and who ever pulled those threads made a mistake. I doubt anyone is upset because someone made a mistake. I think Boogie is merely looking for someone to admit it was a mistake. I know when I was a mod, I made mistakes in editing, closing and pulling threads. Pete is not going to publicly point out someone else's mistake. I commend him for that loyalty. That is one of the things about Pete I admire. OTOH, who ever pulled the threads should be big enough to put this to rest by admitting to the mistake.

BTW, your signature line applies quite nicely here.
Fair enough Jeff. So what did they 'interpret' in my thread that was a violation of the TOS?

It comes under the 'best interest of scubaboard' IMHO. You were requesting information, in public, that shouldn't be and won't be revealed to the general public. There are plenty of explinations in the bannings thread. You know the answer to your question, she was banned. The thread does nothing but stir up controversy.

Perhaps this might help [probably not, but perhaps]

BTW, after consulting with legal counsel this morning, I have been strengthened in my resolve to never divulge any information to third parties. My heart and conscience agree for totally different reasons but the outcome is the same. You can keep asking for it and say we are not listening, but it's really the other way around. You are not "listening" to me when I tell you that this is a line I will not cross. Now we can continue to address this issue, and anyone can speculate what the "real reason" is for it and that's your own prerogative. Spitting in the wind will get you more results than asking me to blab.
Netdoc, with all due respect, after having read the multitude of posts from people complaining about posts being pull/deleted and people being banned, I must say that IMHO these actions should be a last resort! For the past year, I've been part of a moderating team on a board (non-diving related) that is about to break the 72,000 membership level in less than a year with about twice the daily volume of posts that we see here. You would think that with that level of volume we would see a lot of the civil unrest that SB has experienced over the last week.... however, we don't. Simply because whenever possible, we avoid the deletion/pulling of posts and threads, and if it happens, there is always an explanation to the offender and the membership at large. And this applies equally to matters of discipline with the membership. Note - not all the nitty gritty details need to be disclosed, but there MUST be some sort of explanation. If not, we open ourselves up to repeat infractions. With a team of 20 moderators, things run smoothly. Never had we had a blow up like we've seen here this week.

If you wish I'd be more than happy to discuss how we deal with specific issues if at all you are interested. Just send me a PM.
You mentioned Cobaltbabe..that was the violation. They should add the banned users' names to the net nanny stuff so they appear as ****** after banning, IMO.
You mentioned Cobaltbabe..that was the violation. They should add the banned users' names to the net nanny stuff so they appear as ****** after banning, IMO.
Then shouldn't you be ba......never mind.
Dear Boogie711,

I find your request very perplexing. You are asking for information that I had already sent you in a PM. You have stated that I have not responded to your requests. Do you just want to now stir the pot? Since you seem to have forgotten, here is an excerpt of my PM to you...
BTW, as for your posts... I have several mods that are way loyal to me... possibly too loyal. If they see anything that resembles an attack on my character they get into a defensive posture. It is incredibly humbling to me and I am confident that their hearts are in the right place. As you might well understand, there is no way that I will publically berate such loyalty. Friends like that are worth far more than gold.
So as to eliminate the possibility of any of my loyal mods trying to defend "my honor", I have taken the unusual step of stripping them of their powers in this forum. You speak of shame... I am incredibly proud and thankful to have such a loyal cadre of brothers and sisters to be associated with.
If you wish I'd be more than happy to discuss how we deal with specific issues if at all you are interested. Just send me a PM.

Netdoc has made it clear he does not wish to discuss specific issues with anyone. Which is absolutely his right - but rather ironic considering this is the suggestions forum.

Communication is only valid if it's two way, not one way. Unfortunately, you can offer all you want, Warren, but we have no way of knowing whether or not someone is actually listening.
Pete - I'm not stirring anything - I'm stating my version of events, and I have not seen any indication so far that my version is incorrect. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

I don't really know, or for that matter, care, how loyal your moderators are. Wonderful. I'm not looking for names, I'm not looking to villainize anyone. But - contrary to several of your posts on this topic - I had two threads yanked, without any notification or warning whatsoever. I'm asking what violation of the TOS did those threads encounter?

What are you saying? Is your answer above to say "Nothing - they didn't violate any TOS, but my moderators were being overly defensive and shouldn't have pulled them"...?

If that's the case, geez! How hard is it to just admit that, apologize, and we can all go forward! Instead, we get bogged down for three days in mudslinging and innuendo's that no one wants.
If you wish I'd be more than happy to discuss how we deal with specific issues if at all you are interested. Just send me a PM.

Are you a moderator? It says "Senior Member" under you handle, is this a mistake?
I'm asking what violation of the TOS did those threads encounter?

Jeff answered that question. And I must say that I agree with him.

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