Wet Suit Thickness Needs

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My buddy and I are new divers and looking to buy wet suits.
While I am still deciding on whether to buy custom or not (I'm short and curvy), we are having a hard time finding the necessary thickness, 5/3 or 6.5.
We aren't very hip on doing cold water divers but we live in NM and for practice and skill-building, will probably go to Blue Hole in between trips south.

We are also diving in south Florida in December. While the 5/3 seems reasonable and more than enough, with repetitive dives, is it better to go ahead and get the 6.5?

two suits? If you go down in thickness on the full suit you may save enough moeny to then buy a shorty as well. The shorty could be worn by itself or over the full for extra warmth.
Narced is right, many manufacturers sell a full suit, and a hooded overshorty to compliment it. For example, I have a Mares 5/4/3mm full suit, and the 5mm hooded over shorty that matches. I also have a standard hood. In warmer waters I wear the 5/4/3 with the hood, and in colder waters I wear it with the hooded over shorty for extra warmth.

When the water gets harder and the days are shorter (eg: Ice & winter temps) I dive with my Mare 7mm full suit and the 5mm hooded over shorty on top. MMMmmmm warm,,,well at least for me it is.
Shelly & Greg,

Welcome fellow New Mexico divers!

Having done OW & AOW in the Blue Hole, I think you will probably be cold in the 61 deg F water if you go with anything less than 6.5mm wet suits. (The next time I go back, I'm going with a hood & gloves-> might as well be comfortable!).

Since you say you aren't interested in NM diving except for practice, maybe it would make sense to rent wet suits for your Blue Hole trips- if you live close to Albuquerque you can rent from one of the 2 LDS's for $10-20 a weekend, which is probably more economical, if you can get one that fits.

By the way, I dove in the Tampa area of Florida last November, and was very comfortable in a 5mm wetsuit on long, shallow dives.

Good luck, and I hope this helps!
We have a 3mm farmer john/jane and a 3mm shorty, so we can have a total of 6mm with both on from mid thighs to our neck, keeping the chest nice and warm. The two piece suits are the way to go IMO, you can mix and match them depending upon the water temp.
If u layer the wetsuit pieces as several divers have suggested, you are going to need more lead on your weightbelts. I agree that 61F will be uncomfortatble with less than 6mm.

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