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500 - 999
Just wanted to let everyone out there know that we are fine. Our apartment survived Frances with just some water damage (soggy carpets that are now dry and smell like old sneakers). I must say, this has to be one of the most humbling experiences of my life. My husband had to work one of the many shelters here and took us all with him. Day one and two were okay. Not much to do in the private room they had set aside for Law Enforcement deputies and their families. Played board games with the kids, finally finished adding articles from 1991- 2004 into my scrapbook, and studied for my physics exam (yay).

Saturday night had to be the worst. The power went out and the building was just slightly lit by the emergency lights that ran off a generator. I never knew just how fast a building can heat up when there’s 1300+ people laying all throughout the hallways, and no air conditioner. I helped out with some of the deputies as they tried to vent the building (while we still could) by opening certain doors at the same time. I was very surprised to see so much crap flying around outside but it sure did cool off that building. I finally laid down with the girls (12 & 8) to try and get some sleep, talk about mission impossible. As we lay there on our blow up beds we could hear all types of banging and freaky noises. Every few minutes one of the kids would just say “mommy” and then be completely quiet. I just told them all is well and God is with us. I truly didn’t know if that roof was going to come off or not. It’s never a good feeling when your just as scared as your kids.

We made it to morning and had to have a look. The noises we were hearing throughout the night were dozens of trees crashing down and the roof of the gym (right next to us) peeling away. The entire ordeal was very frightening but we made it out alive. Within a few hours we lost all water. So now there’s 1300+ people with now electric and now no water (think"no toilets") and it’s pretty dang hot. It took about 12 hours for it to be safe enough to let people venture out to their homes. Some loss everything(including my sister), others never returned to the shelter. We had five full term women with us those few nights, all but one managed to keep those little babies inside (whew) This entire thing was an experience I’m glad I got to go through (even if I didn’t know it at the time)

We’re all trying to pick up the pieces of our city and get back to life as we’ve know it. My heart and prayers go out to all that have been, are now, and will be shortly going through this.

Thank you to all who kept us close to your hearts and in your prayers.

Vickie & Darrel
Glad things are slowly getting back into shape. It sounded like you apt was going to be torn away from the description of the recent "repairs" and not being allowed to board up.

I know just what you mean about the rate of heating, i think it did that everywhere when the power went out - like a degree per minute!

I think that part of it not being a good feeling to be as scared as the kids, is that you dont want to tell them you are scared and get them even more worried, glad you made it through the night safely though.

Oh and welcome back, seems strange greeting a greeter :wink:
I'm happy you and Murph are safe, hun! Its good to see ya'll back online and getting some sort of normalcy back to your lives!!
Welcome Back!
Now, when can we find sharks teeth again? :D
Welcome back, Vickie & Darryl. We missed you. You and Darryl were in our prayers as we watched the eye go over Port St Lucie.

Life in Melbourne is getting more and more back to normal. Every day as I drive up A1A to the Cape, I see more and more real traffic lights.

If I don't see you at Blue Heron Bridge before the REEF Fish ID class... I'll see you there!

Hey guys--glad you're safe and all is okay--is your apt. inhabitable?
Please, please call me if you don't have A/C/power and just need somewhere to escape, even just overnight to "get away"--you're more than welcome. Please let me know if you need anything as well....the stores and stuff here are pretty well back in order, I can bring you anything you may need....just let me know.
You guys are so awesome! Thanks for the warm welcome back. We'll be just fine, time heals everything, well almost everything..... and the ocean heals the rest!! Can't wait to get back in the water, just wish these storms would stop already.
Glad to hear you are back and in good spirits...you guys down there have alot to put up with all these storms coming at you one aftre the other....hope the weather settles soon...
I'm so glad that you guys and the kids are okay. It looked pretty bad from the news reports, but they take on a whole new meaning when folks that you care about are in the middle of things.

All the best as you hit the cleanup phase...
That everyone is safe in your area. I know the feeling of being in a shelter that you are not to sure of holding up. Where my Dept. had about 60 deputies put up waiting out the storm so we can go out after a conduct Search and rescue was a County Recreation Center as well. We had Charley hit during the day and was able to see the roof of the Gym moving and flexing. The ductwork and the basketball goals were shaking. I know that there was not a person in there that did not think about the worst could happen and "we" would be the rescued instead of the rescuers.

I remember asking one person as I saw him collecting his raincoat and flashlight, "In a hurry to get out of here? he replied that he wanted to be next to an exit so that when the roof starts flying off he can be out the door. I collected my things and joined him.


When is the next FCD dive party? We all need a break.


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