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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Houston, Texas, Bay Islands, Honduras
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Nassau Bahamas....

It was a wonderful vacation for three generations of our family. Any more diving plans we had were cancelled in the last three days because of a massive Bahamian eye infection that decided it liked my right eye. Eye swollen shut, matted, double vision, etc. etc. Anyway, it's good to be back, the meds are kicking in, and I'm looking forward to whatever comes next!! I'll post something about the dives and the operators we dove with later on.

Bummer about the eye, but I bet the trip was awesome.
Welcome home! Are you sure you didn't just wear out that eye winking at Ann and all the Bahamian Beauties? :D
Welcome home! Are you sure you didn't just wear out that eye winking at Ann and all the Bahamian Beauties? :D

Thanks, Dee....

I know ya'll ain't gonna believe this but I think I got it playing with five grandkids in the kids pools at a resort. They all were wearing swim goggles (I guess I should've seen my sign) Any other time I was in salt water with mask & gear.

This is a continuing saga regarding the barracuda attack I experienced a year and a half ago. The tear duct in my right eye was crushed by the impact, along with the massive orbital blow out I experienced, and as such has not drained since the attack. I have purposely posponed corrective surgery because the family had this (and other) trips on the calendar. Well, needless to say Granny Annie has laid the law down. Says I gotta clear it up, get it corrected before I can get back in the water. Makes sense to me.


Glad you made it back considering the eye prob.Mabe I`ll get to dive with ya soon.Just missed it last time you were out.Take care.....what????...no dear...I`m not on-line again.....

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