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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
N.E.TX, piney woods
Great weather all week, albeit the water was a bit cloudy. Sonic coke, life is good. And Jose the parrot says........Dougggggggg! I'm sure Dee will post a good report when things wind down a bit.

tony & Bren


to meet the folks I met, even if a couple of them were crackheads. Enjoyed pilfering your equipment and diving with you. Looking forwards to seeing you at PK or at Roatan next year. What a great place!

Mexican food, a hot shower and a cold Sonic Dt. Coke and I'm home!

I'll get to the pics and a report tomorrow....maybe! :wink:

Tony's got some great pics, maybe mine got zapped at the airport! :wacko:
Welcome back, Sound like you all had a fun safe trip.
Good pics, Bud!

What happened to your cable?
Aside from wishing I'd never come home, it wasn't too bad. I was able to get caught up with my emails, but it only tended to remind me that I didn't get any emails while I was at Coco View.

I managed to install a USB port on the pc this evening, so I can download the stuff from the new Oly. Now, all I need is Photoshop, a new laptop, multimedia card reader, quick charger, underwater housing, slave stobe, etc., etc., etc. Maybe I need to continue working after all!!!!

Seriously, it was great diving with y'all!!!! See you at TL.

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