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As I mentioned on another post I was off to the Tokyo Camera show to see what's coming up.

I hvae never seen so many balding, fat geeks in one room at one time, all taking pictures of young models wearing the smallest out outfits possible.

All made it very difficult to see the models I was actually looking for but I did manage to get through to a few.

New in the camedia range is:
X-200 - not sure why they are doing this one except to have a cheap model in the range RRP about $320 with the PT-017 coming out next month for it. Oh yes and it's 3.2M pixels.
ì-10 this month and the ì-20 next month at 3.2M pixels and 4M pixles respectively. At $420 and $530. The PT-016 comes out this month too which handles both. Not sure why the bother with the 10 but the beauty of both these models is the are waterproof. Whilst you can't go diving with them if you were to drop them in the water and fish out the would be OK. On the stand they had one with three shower heads pointing at it.
C-750 Ultra zoom and PT-018 next month weigh in at $600. A 4M pixels with a powerful zoom.

Still my choice would be 5050 Zoom though if on a budget probably the ì-20 which makes the Sony P series look like bricks.

Canon had loads of stuff though the focus was primarily on the EOS series. Other new models were thr IXY Digital 400, PowerShots A60, A70, A300 & S50 all out this month or next. They all have housings too - fortunately the newer ones go to 40m though the S50 shares the same housing as the 45,40 and 30 which is only 30m.

Fuji had their new 4g CCD cameras on show. Really liked the 401 which looked the same as the 601. A friend has the 601 and it's 3g CCD takes awsome pictures for a camera of that budget - again around the $400 mark I think - but no evidence of housing on hand.

The only big player missing was Sony which was a bit weird having announced a load of new models recently including their 5M pixel offerings.

Please note all these prices are JPY converted to USD at the going rate - don't know what mark up you pay abroad. For non diving digitals there were some fantstic models not much bigger than a MD player.

Oh decisions, decisions..... Sorry if I just made it harder. If only the EOS-1Ds was cheaper than your average family car!


P.S. sorry the board does not seem to recognise the font for the two new Myuu Camedia's atl least that's how they say it out here....
Thanks for the review. Looks like I'll be keeping the old C-4040 another year!

Looks like there will be several more entry level cameras for new users to consider, too.
Dee once bubbled...
Looks like there will be several more entry level cameras for new users to consider, too.

I heard in my LDS yesterday that reefmaster has two new digitals coming, a 2.1 and a 3.2 MP.

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