Welcome Commercial Divers and those thinking about becoming one...

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Im new to scubaboard and posting. Im trying to gather some info. About commercial diving. Im thinking about going to national polytechnic college of science in ca. To become a commercial diver and to finish my associates degree. Any info or guidance from active of retired commercial divers that could help me in the best direction towards my goal would be greatly appreciated!
Like what Superlyte27 said the industry is flooded with no work both offshore and inshore. My opinion if you dont care if you are doing inland work. I would go for the Dockbuilders union. Be come a pile buck first and then you can work your way in to diving. The union divers are very skilled and if you work hard can point you in the right direction. They are in the same unions in the north east and get paid good with good benifits. also when you are not diving you can work as a dock builder and still get paid. Also unlike diving school when you are an apprentice in a union you will get paid as you learn. it is a great trade you can learn a lot of differerent skill like welding and rigging .
If you wanna have a million dollars Comm Diving start with 2!
All the previous comments are bangon! And yes Obama is looking at more offshore and asia is doing this and that but one thing you have to remeber as a comm diver is that sure that all sounds good, but until you are working on the job, you arnt on the job!
As well as having long periods between jobs there is always the time when you get work only to get a call that its been cancelled as your loading up your car to head to the gig.
And make sure you have a very very understanding wife or girlfriend, this is where the army guys families usually are strong, they are used to the boys being gone for long periods of time.

My advice is that dont get into this job casue you think your gonna be a U/W welder making 400 an hour its not the case, there arnt even many welding jobsout there,
Get into comm diving becuase you really cant see yourslef doing anything else. Its all you wanna be, and if you do survive the 90 percent washout rate (in the first 2 years) you will become part of a brotherhood. Really if you can "make it" its unlike any job out there.
Is it even worth getting into this field after the BP fiasco...Ive been looking into making a career change to this field...I have the gi bill which will pay for the school...I have been looking at commercial diving academy...but with the current state of the industry It doesn't look like there will be any need for additional divers anytime soon...I live in Texas and I dont think there are any dockbuilders unions or anything like that around here
Is it even worth getting into this field after the BP fiasco...Ive been looking into making a career change to this field...I have the gi bill which will pay for the school...I have been looking at commercial diving academy...but with the current state of the industry It doesn't look like there will be any need for additional divers anytime soon...I live in Texas and I dont think there are any dockbuilders unions or anything like that around here

Quite a bit has been written on this in the other "commercial threads," so check it out. I believe that the industry is strong and will get stronger over the next few years. It's still difficult to get employment if your just starting out (like many other occupations), but it largely depends upon your background. Don't necessarily depend on the ticket you get at a commercial school to get you the job. There's a quite a bit more to it than that.
Welcome to our new forum for commercial divers. Feel free to share your escapades and how you became one or ask a question about how to go about becoming one.

i want to know what basic and miinimum courses i need to do in order to become a commercial diver.i'm looking for a commercial diving school in Queensland,Australia.i also would like to know what important things am i supposed to look in a school.i need info on how to decide on a school.
i want to know what basic and miinimum courses i need to do in order to become a commercial diver.i'm looking for a commercial diving school in Queensland,Australia.i also would like to know what important things am i supposed to look in a school.i need info on how to decide on a school.

Most commercial diving schools in Australia run their courses in conjunction with the Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS). ADAS certification is an international certification and on par with IMCA and DCBC. The bottomline is that any school that offers this certification will give you the "Part 3 Ticket" that you will need to gain employment. You might want to checkout the Underwater Centre in Tasmania http://www.underwatercentretas.com.au/ or the Deccend Underwater Centre http://www.descend.com.au/ as possibilities.

I encourage you to look at some of the other threads in the "Commercial Divers" area. There is an excess of certified commercial divers in the industry, most of them under employed.
It also depends on where you look. Alot of divers consider inland diving pansy but there can be good money in it as well as the possibility of being home more frequently. Personally I think river diving can be as challenging as any other diving.....several knot currents, low vis, etc. Lots of bridges, dams, etc. to be demolished, repaired, inspected and built. Plus environmental surveys, salvage, you name it. The jobs are there you just have to know where to look and depends on what you want out of it.
Hi and sorry to just walk in on your converstation here. :)
I'm new to Scuba Board but I've been around diving for a while my dad is a ex commercial diver and I have been around commercial divers for years, and I would very much like to follow in his footsteps. The thing is I don't know what the field is like out there for Women Commercial divers. How do they usually fair? If I did go Commercial then I'd be attending the Proffesional Dive Acadamy in Scotland a few old friends run it. But I don't know what the prospects for female divers are afterwards.

Help would be greatly appraciated :)
Hello y'all.

First off...sorry if my typing is messy...new slim wireless keyboard...I am still not use to it VS my old, comfy one.

I am a newbie to the Commercial Diving Industry as many others are. I feel that after reading a lot of the posts in this thread and others, it looks/seems to me that there are a lot of winers & cry babies.

I will be attending the CDA for their August 29th start date if all goes well. I am taking the maximum amount of courses they offer to increase my net worth to employers. This will create a "safety net" for me incase the CD industry gets slow, example: I will be certifid by the AWS for topside welding and underwater welding certificate from the CDA, NDT Certs, DCBC, ACDE, ADCI, HazMat/Hazwoper, EMT, DMT, HCT, Recreational Instructor, Master Diver, etc. The mixture of these certifications will ensure I will be able to get work in a multitude of different sectors if work is not available in another.

I FIRMLY believe in you control your own destiny. If you want something, get off your ass and do what ever it takes to get it.

The same applies for this industry. I know in Charleston, SC where my wife and I are moving to be closer to my parents (so they can watch our kids instead of us paying for daycare), I have MULTIPLE avenues for employment. If not by another company, then I will create my own employment by what ever means....if that means I will be cleaning boat hauls or training recreational divers...I will be in the water and putting money in my bank account.

I was told something that really sunk in my mind...Talk about being a TRUE diver is just air being released...to prove it you have to plug your mouth and get wet!

The problem is...we get people that only want the specific jobs or a specific pay and end up with "blinders" on to all the other jobs out there. Well...a problem for them...not for those like me that are leaders and not followers. (Passed a golden oppertunity as a Warrant Officer/Pilot for the Army due to my wife...I like to lead, so now I am going for this golden oppertunity.)

The United States's infastructure in is parell, it WILL require divers in the years to come. Y'all crying about this sector being "dead" need to just hang up the fins/jets and make way for those HUNGRY to work! The work is out there....you just have to go after it and PROVE WHY you should be hired over the other guy standing next to you....EVEN IF he may have more experience than you....but you have more DRIVE and AMBITION then him/her....you stand a better chance at hire because of HOW you present yourself.

Anyway...I know my rant is all over the place (as is my typos) as it is 3:55am now, but basicly...the work is there for those who know how to look for it.

I will post some more when not exhausted lol.

Dive Safe Y'all !!
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