Weights slipping out in front pockets?

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I'm a Fish!
Please tell me I'm doing something "wrong" here : Any weight block 2KG or less (size wise) simply slips out between the cords and falls. I know there are weight "thingies" that are zippered containers that hold the weights for this purpose, but is this really a "logical" design--especially for those of us that dive in warmer, tropical waters and therefore need a minimum of weight...?

Is there another option--putting the weight blocks in the outer zippered pockets is the only solution, other than having to purchase these yellow mesh weight thingies!?

Any advice on an explanation/solution would be much appreciated!
Can't say I've ever had that problem with my 2# weights, even my 1# soft weights don't slip through. Have you checked the threading of the ripcord to make sure that none of the loops were skipped?

If you don't want to buy the yellow thingies, you can easily make your own mesh pouches with a bit of mesh, a sewing machine, and velcro.
Thanks for the advice, but in Asia we use hard lead blocks, and when they shift slightly inside the pockets, they simply "fall through" between the cords that are threaded through the bottom...but I will certainly double check this to confirm..
And FYI---1 KG is larger (and heavier) than 2 lbs.:D
I have seen someone post about not using 1 lb torpedo shaped weights. They will slip through. If you are diving a few lbs I don't see where ditchable weight is that big of a deal. Using the other pocket is your choice.
Hey Harley,

Who's your little friend? (avatar)

My buddy has had 2lb. hard weights slip through his ripcord. He just bought two 12lb. yellow weight pouches to solve the problem. I have them also, it's been handy occasionally to hand up my weights on smaller boats.
I have the little yellow mesh bags that Zeagle makes. They are very inexpensive on Leisure Pro.

Other than that, I agree with the above poster...just use one of the other pockets.
Hey Harley,

Who's your little friend? (avatar)

My buddy has had 2lb. hard weights slip through his ripcord. He just bought two 12lb. yellow weight pouches to solve the problem. I have them also, it's been handy occasionally to hand up my weights on smaller boats.


The baby elephant was the "mascot" of the Dive Center I worked at in Thailand, where unfortunately there were orphaned elephants (due to poachers). However, this little guy will be well-cared for until he's ready for a zoo--probably somewhere in SE Asia.

As regards the yellow weight "thingies" I would have thought that a Ranger LTD which is supposedly a "top flight" item would have included such pockets, since in my case it's useless to put weights in those pockets without something to keep them from falling out!
Overall VERY disappointed at this obviously poor design, and will probably go to another manufacturer--Zeagle should fully disclose to prospective buyers IN ADVANCE that smaller weights WILL fall through--and these "mesh containers" are critical to it's functioning properly.

Meanwhile, I am unable to just "order up" a set of these due to living/working in a country that puts extremely high taxes on anything foreign that comes in (Indonesia), so I am now stuck using the exterior zippered pockets to hold weights (rendering the rip cord system useless), or finding another make of BCD. Even Seaquest has a "Sure Lock" system that will work with any size/style of weights...I'm very disappointed, and will not be recommending Zeagle to anybody due to this issue. I expected better...

The Ranger LTD comes standard with the weight pouches. If you did not get them, you should contact whomever sold you the BC.

As for the weights falling out...I, and many others, can tell you that it does not normally happen - unless the person is using "bullet style" weights. I just went a put a 2 lb. weight in an XL BC and shook the heck out of it, and could not make it fall out. :confused:

If this was a wide spread issue, you would be reading numerous posts like yours, and of course we would then state that the pouches were required and not an option....however numerous people dive Zeagle BCs without the yellow weight pouches and have absolutely no issues.

That being said, can you contact the shop that sold you the BC and ask them why you did not recieve the weight pouches with the Ranger LTD??

The Ranger LTD comes standard with the weight pouches. If you did not get them, you should contact whomever sold you the BC.

As for the weights falling out...I, and many others, can tell you that it does not normally happen - unless the person is using "bullet style" weights. I just went a put a 2 lb. weight in an XL BC and shook the heck out of it, and could not make it fall out. :confused:

If this was a wide spread issue, you would be reading numerous posts like yours, and of course we would then state that the pouches were required and not an option....however numerous people dive Zeagle BCs without the yellow weight pouches and have absolutely no issues.

That being said, can you contact the shop that sold you the BC and ask them why you did not recieve the weight pouches with the Ranger LTD??


They probably sold him the inflater hose that came with the BC too. That's my favorite scam.
For what it is worth you can use zip loc bags or nylons to keep them in. I have a ranger and when I was using the bean bag weights this is what I did anyway. Not sure how many you are putting in there, but once I bagged them they didn't move as much, etc.

Your mileage may vary.

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