Yeah, I was having a momentary brain cloud, the steel 72 holds about 5.75 pounds of air at 2,400 psi. I used 2,400 when I calculated, the standard fill is 2,250 psi and the plus ten fill is 2,475 psi.
Air weighs about 4.0 pounds per 50cf. So a 72 cf tank will swing just under 6.0 cf from full to empty.
Thanks for correcting me, if you have some better numbers please post them. I just calculated it while at work and got my aluminums and steels mixed up to a poor result for either. I cannot find a calculator so y'all can get it exact, go for it.
The plus or minus in weights results from variations in weight over many years or production.
The steel 77 is 2,440 psi service, the steel 72 is 2,250 psi service with plus 10% is 2680 psi for the steel 77 and for the steel 72 is 2,475 psi. Again, from memory so take it for what it is.