We CAN all get along!

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Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
During my tenure on the board I've seen fighting and drama over every thing imaginable. Jacket vs back inflate, paddle fins vs. split, steel vs. aluminum, DIR or not. My dive charter op can beat up your dive charter op. You name it we'll argue it. Hell, we even argue over grammar!

Politics? Religion? Just visit The Pub. We've got that too. In fact, there is so much arguing and adversity, that we even have a thread on it: http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/basic-scuba-discussions/316843-why-do-we-bash-each-other.html

But, in spite of how large the community is we're still one big dysfunctional family. And like most families, we still care and support about each other when it's needed.

As we kick off this new decade, I'd like to take a moment and recognize some of the good things this community has done and say "Thank You!" to all of those that participate and contribute to this part of the board.

A few that come to mind are as follows, feel free to add your own examples:




Well done SB!
Hear Hear.. agree or disagree we share our passion for diving and we get to meet like minded people and learn.

A good friend introduced me to SB and SB has introduced me to more good friends. I measure everything in my life by the friends I gain and SB has brought some absolutely brilliant people into my life.

I may not agree with every opinion or decision but I am enriched by everything and everybody who opens my mind.

"Every person is my superior in that I may learn from them"

This thread has helped to warn off people from dangerous operators and spun off into another valuable thread. When we lose one of our own we become a force to be reckoned with.


We also know how to laugh at ourselves and just have fun. This is a great place to get some laughs

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All of ScubaBoarders that posted in the Kimber Watch thread
and any of these others .. Good Causes, Petitions and Solicitations - ScubaBoard

And threads started by TSandM, Cave Diver, Jim Lapenta, Walter, and the many others that make us think, or think in new ways
What I'd like to recognize is the warmth and generosity of SBers in person, whatever we may do on line. I have met with and hosted and dived with any number of SB folks over the years, and they have hosted me. I have met what have become some extremely dear friends through this board.

We may snipe and kvetch and whine and posture, but when it comes to getting in the water, we all dive.
Surly we can and do get along. That doesn't mean we have to agree 100% of the time. Especially on issues we are passionate about. My wife and have been married 35 years, have we/do we disagree and argue YOU BET we do! That does mean we don't get along? Apparently not.
It's the meaningless unprovoked nastiness that I find here at SB sometimes that is perplexing. I don't understand why people feel the need to criticize the poster instead of what was posted. Nobody is flawless and many of us will lash out if provoked I include myself in this but, it seems that some post here only to provoke others. However the information and lessons learned here far out weight the unpleasantness that occasionally pops up. Without honest disagreement we'd be pretty boring. I've only had the pleasure of meeting one SB'er so far I hope that will change in the future.
SB is special and personal to me because it brought an entire community of divers into my life. Being the only diver in my family and among my friends I had to rely on insta-buddies on vacation and did not dive local pre-SB. I agree SB has its many dramas but I choose to focus on all the beautiful positives it has brought into my life.

I would be absolutely lost without my Dive NY family and SB. I've met many great diving friends locally, in FL, in CA and around the world because of SB. Many are as dear to me as my own family.

John - Thank you for starting this thread and reminding all of us how fortunate we are to be part of this dysfunctional family. :hugs:
I look at SB and the discussions that get heated much like sports rivalries. There is passion and the belief you are right, but FOR THE MOST PART, it is all good nature and friendly. As with sports rivalries, there are people that go overboard and take it way to seriously. Being a non-Eagles fan living outside Philadelphia, I have plenty of experience with that.

SB has given me great friends, regular dive buddies, and an awesome outlook on diving. The debates are mostly healthy and generally constructive. And much more interesting than sports talk radio. :D
As we kick off this new decade, I'd like to take a moment and recognize some of the good things this community has done and say "Thank You!" to all of those that participate and contribute to this part of the board.

I'd also like to add:

[user]NetDoc[/user] for providing this playground for us.

Staff for making it run: ScubaBoard - Who's Who on SB?

And from that group, a few specific mentions that have had the greatest effect on me since I've joined them:

[user]TC[/user]: The 800lb gorilla that is always willing to jump into and sort out the worst issues.

[user]TSandM[/user]: For always having something insightful and positive to add.

[user]Teamcasa[/user] and [user]diversteve[/user]: For providing fair and balanced viewpoints.

[user]Diver0001[/user]: For always trying to take the high road, no matter what.

[user]Rick Murchison[/user]: For his simple, yet straight to the point wisdom.

There are a lot of things that happen in the background that many people don't get to see and we all get to enjoy the results of these contributions without even realizing it. I'm glad to be a part of this team and this community.
Greetings Cave Diver and I would like to thank you for this thread. All to often everyone focuses on the negative and in the reality of this the truly awesome things get over shadowed. Not in this, case those you have mentioned and more are the driving force that continues to challenge, support, encourage fledgling divers and the like to pursue their dreams.
I do not fully comprehend just the potential of the written / spoken word here on Scuba Board. What I do know is that I HEAR peoples voice when reading the threads and posts that are written. Some of these I have come to respect and cherish very much.
As you have mentioned the afore thread "Why do we bash.." it has really been on my mind to say just what you have begun here.
Not always does everyone agree and I am thankful for that! It has challenged me to think outside the box and put myself in other peoples perspective. This dialog has brought me to realize that diversity is a healthy thing and we need each other even more! The older I get the more I realize that the only really dysfunctional family is the one that never has a problem! We are a family made up of vast diversity but still a family! Relationships are what it is about, people are what it is about, and most of all it is all DIVING! We all love it! It empowers our passion for one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.
The opportunity to know each other and build relationships here on Scuba Board has been a enriching experience for me personally and as a diver.
I am and will continue to be in a state of evolution towards being the best person and diver I can be. Not always will I perform to my aspirations but that is when I need to be called out. I have come to expect that from those here on SB! I would want it no other way, we are family and that is what we do for each other!
One day we will be on the biggest dive of all! Till then lets love every minute of this life together!
CamG Keep diving....keep training....keep learning!

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