Water in my SPG

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Knight Scublar
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Upstate NY
# of dives
200 - 499
I dunno quite how this happened, but on my last dive my SPG got about half flooded with water. I would think that any leaks in the system would lead to an air leak, not a water leak into the gauge...

Anyway, I'm having a bit of trouble drying it out.. any tips? Assuming it won't leak again, is it OK to use? Should i spring the $80 (lot of money :-\) to get another?

Anyone want to sell an SPG to me? :wink:

The entire gauge isn't pressurised - there is a lot of internal space in the gauge that isn't pressurised (otherwise it's pretty darn strong glass to withstand 3000psi!). Most likely there is a crack or bad seal somewhere on the gauge that allowed water in. I'm guessing that the remaining airspace in the gauge is only pressurised to one atmosphere (surface pressure), so a leak at depth would quickly result in flooding as the air volume shrinks to match the ambient water pressure, sucking water in through the leak.

Considering the importance of this piece of equipment, replace it. You wouldn't want the needle sticking if any corrosion forms, creating a dangerous situation where your SPG is telling you have more air than you do, and having an out of air situation arise as a result. Funerals cost a lot more than $80 :)

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