From my point of view and what I've experienced, the water doesn't make a tremendous difference. In order for it to make a difference, the water has to be changed regularly, there has to be plenty of room between one tank and the next tank in the bath (say a min of 8 in. from one tank to another), you have to educate someone about the dangers of mixing a drop of water into an AL80 or steel tank (the $h!t will rust much faster), you have to keep the whips and tank vales clear of the water, etc. In short, if you are filling your tanks and are comfortable with using a water bath correctly, go for it...otherwise it really doesn't make much difference, especially if you're filling slow ~200 psig/min. give or take a few pounds.
As for the crakcs that can develop, that would be due more to overfilling than a water bath...if tanks crakced in the water bath, why would we take them diving????? IF I were you I'm not sure I would trust the guy at that shop until I did a little more investigation.