Water as weight rather than lead?

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the question:

can you use water as weight, instead of lead weight?

For example, say that you take containers of water instead of lead. Yes, water weights six pounds per gallon, so you would have to take two gallons of water to equal 12 pounds, but...

Say you tie two milk gallons full of water to your waist...

Wouldn’t it be the same as wearing lead weights?

We were having this discussion, and someone was saying that wouldn’t work, because the water would “float on water."

is this correct?

This post is really getting some traffic! I find it hard to believe H2Andy would post a thread like this for anything other than his amusement. Good job! :beerchug:
ignorant, maybe, but no troll

actually, it's a real question that came up during a dive with
some buddies this weekend

and yes, i am serious

and thanks for pointing out how ridiculous my question is
and that i should not have asked it in the first place.
better to keep your mouth shut than to learn anything useful,
at the risk of showing you don't know something, right?

Don't let them bother you

Everyone has gaps in their knowledge, thats normal and if you didn't ask you would never know.

In the quest for knowledge there are no stupid questions.

TT ;)
dweeb, you are amazing... you manage to find a thread wihtout a single troll in it
after 53 posts, and then you post not one, but THREE trolls back to back to back

The only troll is the first post in the thread.
You asked something that is covered in PADI OW Module 1!
You're a well-educated professional, and supposedly a certified diver. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings, but if you REALLY didn't know what you were asking, then you should return ALL your C-cards to the issuing agencies with a request they be revoked. This is so fundamental and basic. It's the entire foundation for buoyancy control.

My initial response was sincere - is this a joke?
When I first read the question, I was annoyed. When I saw your name on it, I was aghast. While I may often disagree with you, I believe you're WAY too smart for that question.

As a lawyer, how would you respond to another lawyer who asked "What's the Fifth Amendment?" Hopefully, the same way I'd respond to another software engineer who asked "What's a byte?" Your question is the equivalent for a diver. It's like a blimp pilot asking why they don't use bags of air to anchor the blimp.

That you do not grasp this basic diving concept is evidence that your OW instructor pretty much violated the standards of every agency in certifying you. There's a question in PADI Module one that can't be answered without knowing what you claim not to know, and there's a place for you to sign and acknowledge that you have had your answers reviewed and your mistakes adequately explained. Your question means either you signed a lie, your instructor certified you knowing you hadn't met the standards, or that your retention abilities approximate those of a sieve. I choose, based on your education and profession, NOT to accept the last of those three, and accord you the assumption of personal integrity to discount the first as unlikely, so clearly, there must be a problem with your instructor.
If you didn't have so many post, I'd swear you were a troll. You can't be serious....

Oh, look, the puddle grows!
I'm glad to see others saw this question in a sensible light.
The only troll is the first post in the thread.


someone must wake up on the wrong side of the bed every day... or something

say... want a job with the IRS???
This post is really getting some traffic! I find it hard to believe H2Andy would post a thread like this for anything other than his amusement. Good job! :beerchug:

no, really... i am not that clever...

it was an honest question

(ok.. this sucks.. now i am trying to convince others
that i am not that bright... oy vey)
ignorant, maybe, but no troll
actually, it's a real question that came up during a dive with
some buddies this weekend

And NO ONE in the group could answer this basic question from the FIRST chapter of the OW textbook?

The whole lot should burn their C-cards.

Oh, but dive training isn't being dumbed down, right?

and yes, i am serious

This is one of those times when you'd be better off lying.

and thanks for pointing out how ridiculous my question is
and that i should not have asked it in the first place.
better to keep your mouth shut than to learn anything useful, at the risk of showing you don't know something, right?

Well, it seems to me that, since this relates to basic diving physics, that ONE of the people in your group might be able to dig out his/her OW textbook and look it up. Isn't basic research supposed to be the cornerstone of your legal training? What would the judge say if you asked him, in court, to explain the Fourth Amendment? Think you'd get a kinder, gentler response?
Your question means either you signed a lie, your instructor certified you knowing you hadn't met the standards, or that your retention abilities approximate those of a sieve. I choose, based on your education and profession, NOT to accept the last of those three, and accord you the assumption of personal integrity to discount the first as unlikely, so clearly, there must be a problem with your instructor.

Jeez. give him a break, dude. Maybe it was the only question he missed.
dweeb doesn't like me because my pro bono is bigger than his

Dude I have a lot more respect for someone who asks a "dumb" question than one who just figures he knows it all.

So do I, to a point. This one goes way beyond that point.
Especially when every diver has access to the answer in print, if he/she is not too lazy to look it up.

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