watch? computer? gauge ? which...

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I always go on escorted dives and I hire most of my equipment, but am gradually buying my own. I have just been on holiday to the red sea and on my last days diving I had an electronic depth gauge which showed max. depth, depth, time (length of dive in minutes) and water temperature. I loved having all this info to hand - as time underwater is so different I usually spend my dive worrying that my instructor is about to give me the thumbs up. So does this do the same job as a computer, and does it do the same job as a watch. I know that computers can be attached to your PC and can be used to plan dives, but I cant see me ever doing that. and I guess watched can be used as watches (is that obvious!!!) but are they all basically the same, and do you only need one of the three.

would appreciate any advice as I think this will be my next investment (I have the dry suit being a uk diver!)
1) No, a bottom timer/depth gauge is not the same as a computer.

2) It does more than a watch -- it's a depth gauge, too.

3) All you really need is a bottom timer and depth gauge (both on one instrument is preferred) and a set of tables.

- Warren
A dive computer tells you max depth, depth, time and water temperature, just like the electronic gauge you were using. It also tells you how much no-decompression time you have left -- in other words, how much longer you can stay at your current depth. When you're following a guide, you can check that they are staying well within the no-decompression limits.

If you visit the Diving section of the Suunto Web site at you can download electronic demos of some of its dive computers (try the Mosquito or Vyper). That'll give you a better idea of the information they display.

I think other manufacturers have similar demos. Suunto is just the brand I'm most familiar with.

Hope that helps,

I vote for a uwatec bottom timer... "The Digital". Everything you need right on your wrist. Learning to use tables and planning dives helps with confidence and understanding and doesn't leave you at the mercy of a computer... plus you have more $ for other toys!

I've got a Suunto Mosquito which is very good. Do what Zept suggests - check out the website and you can see the degree of functionality and decide whether it's more or less than you need.

Even a basic computer would be a great upgrade to your kit. Knowing your no-deco time without relying on a dive guide should be essential. This becomes far more useful if you do repetative diving. A computer strapped to YOUR wrist will give YOUR dive info.

I use a Suunto and like it. A lot of people use Uwatec and like them too.

You might want to think about getting a computer that will expand with your diving (eg Nitrox).

There are a lot computers available 2nd hand (Often because the current owner has outgrown its capabilities). This makes them pretty cheap, but will you outgrow it too? check out

My personal list of essential features:
Time, dive time, no deco time, deco ceiling, ascent time, current depth, max depth, logbook

Nice features
Temperature, download to PC, altitude settings, personal settings, ascent rate, Nitrox(Hopefully soon to be on my essential list)

Air integrated gives you a whole load more features but at quite a price jump

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