A blonde notices her neighbor's house is on fire , so she calls 911.
"Ohmygod ohmygod my neighbor's house is on fire!!! Hurry up and get here!" <click>
The Fire cheif says to his men, well we know we have a call, just not the location...consider yourselves on Standby. The Blonde calls agains screaming "WHY aren't you HERE yet???? Hurry up!!" The Cheif yells her down and says..."Hang on lady, when know there's a fire, but HOW do we get there?!?!"
The blonde gives the phone a strange looks and says "DUH! Big red truck!" <click>
I AM dislexic: My question is WHY do they have to make a word for folks who can't spell so bloody hard to spell?????????? (pout)
"Ohmygod ohmygod my neighbor's house is on fire!!! Hurry up and get here!" <click>
The Fire cheif says to his men, well we know we have a call, just not the location...consider yourselves on Standby. The Blonde calls agains screaming "WHY aren't you HERE yet???? Hurry up!!" The Cheif yells her down and says..."Hang on lady, when know there's a fire, but HOW do we get there?!?!"
The blonde gives the phone a strange looks and says "DUH! Big red truck!" <click>
I AM dislexic: My question is WHY do they have to make a word for folks who can't spell so bloody hard to spell?????????? (pout)