Warning about the shut-out complaint.

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Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
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200 - 499
Was there warning about the shutout that I didn’t get? Another member and I were arraigning a boat dive and suddenly unable to communicate never suspecting the board messaging was going to be unavailable. This AM I finally got last weeks message and it appears this may have screwed up not only my plans, he and visiting entourage plans and the operators plans as well. Grrrrr. Not to mention how much time I spent continuously checking to see if it was up knowing we needed to communicate. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
There were several threads on the board a few days prior to the server change.

If you logged on to SB (except yesterday) you were redirected to the back-up site. I suggested to him that he send you a PM on the Backup site. But I guess you didn't get that either.

I know he was trying to reach you and sadly I couldn't help him...just PM'd you his phone #
Was there warning about the shutout that I didn’t get? Another member and I were arraigning a boat dive and suddenly unable to communicate never suspecting the board messaging was going to be unavailable. This AM I finally got last weeks message and it appears this may have screwed up not only my plans, he and visiting entourage plans and the operators plans as well. Grrrrr. Not to mention how much time I spent continuously checking to see if it was up knowing we needed to communicate. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

There was a warning post stuck to the top of every forum and sub forum for several days before the board went down

There was a secondary system setup and running the entire time the primary board was down.

Messaging was available to anyone who logged into the secondary system.

All entry points to the primary board pointed people to the secondary board.

Everyone was communicating through the secondary system ... scubaboard2.htm with the exception of H2Andy...lol
There was a warning post stuck to the top of every forum and sub forum for several days before the board went down

There was a secondary system setup and running the entire time the primary board was down.

Messaging was available to anyone who logged into the secondary system.

All entry points to the primary board pointed people to the secondary board.

Everyone was communicating through the secondary system ... scubaboard2.htm with the exception of H2Andy...lol
h2andy (alias,H2HOE) wasnt on the scubaboard#2 he was running it and everyone was picking on him!!!! it was fun!!! lol, thanks andy for your great sense of humor!!!
jim ernst:
h2andy (alias,H2HOE) wasnt on the scubaboard#2 he was running it and everyone was picking on him!!!! it was fun!!! lol, thanks andy for your great sense of humor!!!

And he didn't deserve any of it, did he?:D
Ok, maybe it was just me but I sure didn’t get any popup warnings or warnings to go look somewhere for a warning. Nor did I receive such an important notification (for my situation – in the midst of dive trip reservations) via e-mail as I have agreed to receive. Did the warnings include a sticky at the top of New Posts? As I remember on a poll some time ago that was the way most users begin the board activities, it is mine and I rarely visit specific forums. I admit I have never guessed I was supposed to check at each visit through all posts for the days prior to my last visit for such (in my opinion) hidden notices or the Site News for such innocuous titles as Scubaboard is moving.

I did get on – at first – with just enough time to see I had a message but was sent in a flash to the scubaboard2 site and could not access mail there and get info stored there such as phone #’s in private messages. I spent quite a while poking around hoping to but was not able to find a way. All day yesterday I was unable to get to any site period to work on communicating with other members that were hopefully not in travel status and ask if anyone was willing to give me another members personal information. Of course had I been able to, they were unable to access where they stored such things – on scubaboard.
As a result an operator did kindly proceed with the dive at a financial loss with out the minimum # required to schedule such a specialty dive. My fellow divers did have an extraordinary experience. I on the other hand spent the time I should have been sharing the joy fruitlessly trying to find out when it was booked.
Ordinarily being unable to exercise my supporting member benefits would be merely an inconvenience. And it is true no one died as a result of such failure to communicate. But in this case, personally and on behalf of others put out by said failure, I register a complaint. I hope that in the future if a known inaccessibility is scheduled there will be more adequate and advance notification.
Was there warning about the shutout that I didn’t get? Another member and I were arraigning a boat dive and suddenly unable to communicate never suspecting the board messaging was going to be unavailable. This AM I finally got last weeks message and it appears this may have screwed up not only my plans, he and visiting entourage plans and the operators plans as well. Grrrrr. Not to mention how much time I spent continuously checking to see if it was up knowing we needed to communicate. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Yes there was. One News forum, another on Basic Scuba. Would you like a phone call next time? :jpshakehe

Whenever I'm arranging plans like you were, I aways request email addresses and cell phone numbers for back-up communications, as everything has a failure possibilities. Hope this helps next time. :wink:

Ok, maybe it was just me but I sure didn’t get any popup warnings or warnings to go look somewhere for a warning.
Do you have pop-ups blocked to stop spam? Pop-ups need to be allowed on SB, and you will not get spam from such. :D
Well, if you click on "new posts" (like I do, too) you would have seen "Scubaboard is moving." That kind of made me think that the site was moving and I'd better check that thread out. It gave me all the information I needed. Sorry you experienced some difficulty. Maybe the thread could have been titled differently, like "Scubaboard will be down for a few days.."

I publish a newsletter for our franchisees, and I can't tell you how many times people complain that they weren't given information, and then I can point to the article and the issue that the article was in, and they just didn't read it.
We apologise for any inconveniences. As you may have noticed our servers were crashing almost DAILY and no one could discern what the issue was. We were hoping for a quicker move, but Murphy prevailed and we were touch and go for over three days trying to get the new servers on line and STABLE.

Thanks to the WONDEROUS efforts of Tech Admin and Eva2000, our servers seem to be doing quite well! I would do the "NetDoc Boogey" for you, but my ankle is in severe pain at the moment! :(

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