The real answers:
"Why is it that liberated countries are always so ungrateful?"
Because people resent feeling grateful.
"Now why is it that we didn't get a rendez-vous for that Twister thing ??"
Because noone felt the others were really serious.
"Why didn't anyone want to play Twister with me?"
Everyone wants to play Twister with you, they just don't want to share you with the others.
"How do they get the holes into the Cheerios ?!?"
They are molded with the holes already in them.
"How did O-ring get a name like that?"
Lack of imagination (look who's talking)
"Why is it that "slow up" and "slow down" mean exactly the same ??"
They don't. Slow up is meaningless, but has been misused as slow down so often that we quit trying to fix it.
"Why doesn't a duck quack echo?"
That's a myth, a duck's quack does echo.
"Can a leprecheaun really reverse a gypsy's curse?"
Leprecheaun's are myths, so are real gypsy's curses.
"why doesn't the glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"
It is in a sealed environment. To sick, the moisture must evaporate, since the moisture has no place to go, the glue remains in liquid form.
"why didn't anyone answer my question on the slow thing ?"
Most questions weren't answered, why should it be different?
"Why do we dive from a boat or shore and not from a plane?"
Diving is done from Sea planes. Stay below 800 ft after the dive.
"Why do we question ourselves when we have fun?"
Because we are curious creatures.
"Why do dogs hate it when you blow in their face, but the first thing they do when you stick them in a moving car is put their head out the window?"
The sensations are totally different. Try it sometime.
"Why do we love to dive but don't like to get wet in the rain going to work?"
Because we aren't dressed for getting wet when we're headed for work (most of us).
"what do parots have to do with scubadiving?"
"Why is there air?"
Air is the mixture of gases that surround the earth. Gas is one of the 4 naturally ocurring forms of matter.
"Why are white mice used in science experiments and not black rats?"
Rats and mice are both used. White rats are more easily available, but black rats are also used.
"Why is it bad to look into a microwave but not bad to stand in front of one?"
They are both bad if the oven leaks.
"If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?"
Depends on the brand. Some from mineral oil, some from vegetable oil.
"Whats better than roses on your piano?"
Tulips on your organ.
"Why do we use the terms hemisphere and semicircle instead of semisphere and hemicircle?"
Hemisphere is from the Greek hemisphairion. Semicircle is from the Latin semicirculus. They have different origins. English is a bastard language.
"Who was the first one who thought that the white thing that came from a hen's butt looked edible?"
It is a result of instinct. As our ancestors evolved, they continued to eat many of the things their parents ate. Lots of animals eat eggs - reptile, bird, fish even mammal.
"Why is a person that handles your money called a 'Broker'?"
A broker is a negotiator or an intermediary.
Now, I hope someone else will actually answer the ones I asked.