Walkers Cay - Bahamas Shark Dive

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Sunny Florida
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I'm a Fish!
Does anyone know the status of development on Walker's? Was it purchased and re-developed yet?
Does anyone know the status of development on Walker's? Was it purchased and re-developed yet?

Very good friend of mine was there a few months ago on his boat - the place is still a mess; etc

Problem is the island is for sale for a crazy amount of money; started at 25M (???); has been reduced, but the purchaser would still have to COMPLETLY rebuild the island - hotel, docks, pools, airstrip and so on

I don't see how you could turn a profit after buying the island and doing the construction and rebuilding needed, especially in today's economic climate - so I don't see it opening anytime soon

All that said, the shark dive at Walkers was the best I ever expreienced, although its getting politically incorrect to refer to shark dives other than to say how badly it changes their natural behavoir, etc
I would second that...the dive operation at Walkers was excellent. Gary, Barry, Phillip, and rest were top-notch. And their Shark Rodeo was truly awesome.
Been to Walkers twice. Didn't find out about situation until last year about this time when I wanted to schedule a trip for myself and about 8 others. Couldn't find any trip info until I finally talked to someone @ Watson's undersea. I was heart broken. Some of the best diving I have ever experienced.......SHARK RODEO......Anybody have any idea where Gary landed. His operation was great to dive with.
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The deal to sell the island fell through. Barry & Phillip stay take people on the shark dive, but they don't do it often, so it isn't the same.
I just thought to do a search on Walkers because while rummaging through my old videos over the weekend I came across one which I shot at Walkers Cay in November 1990, with probably a 1985/6 VCR in a semi waterproof case.:D

The image is a bit grainy, but man, it brings back some great memories, I visited again in 94 and again in 2001 and I have to agree, it was some of the best diving I have personally ever done, the shark rodeo was excellant and a whole lot less controlled than other places I have done shark dives (which I liked) and looking at the video I remember there was a Cuda there as well, which was fat and well fed by divers, then just watching the video, I could see that on one dive, we saw the shark rodeo, three magnificient Eagle rays, fed the Cuda, watched two huge groupers as they watched the rodeo and swam through some reasonable length tunnels just swarming with marine life.

I was devastated to hear it was almost destroyed in "04" but I felt almost sure it would be restored by the owners, I mean it was an absolute landmark, but alas, it seems now it is not going to happen and they are trying to sell it.

I can remember sitting in the restaurant overlooking the harbour one lunch time and the manager walks over to us and "whispers" the "resorts owners are here", I asked where and he says "over there at that table", and just as we are wondering if we should go over and tell them how we enjoy the island, the gentleman gets up and starts working the tables, enquiring if all is okay, can we get you another soda,..........it was almost surreal, a very humble man.

Aaaah memories.!

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