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My SAC - and I presume my work rate - is materially higher in a drysuit than in my "warmer water" 3/2 wetsuit, all other things being equal.

Since I only put enough gas in the suit to offset the squeeze (and do not try to play "BC" with it) most if not all of that has to be from increased work at depth.
MechDiver once bubbled...

Don't agree with that Mad. Whether drysuit or not, coldwater means more weight, bulkier eco protection and generally just more work.


Not in the UK and Europe, we wear same stuff all year round from 12C in Summer to 0C in winter (OK maybe just an extra T shirt).

Anyway, if your working harder you on gas and off gas faster, cold makes you do it slower so its the opposite to what Uwatec model
madmole once bubbled...

Not in the UK and Europe, we wear same stuff all year round from 12C in Summer to 0C in winter (OK maybe just an extra T shirt).

Anyway, if your working harder you on gas and off gas faster, cold makes you do it slower so its the opposite to what Uwatec model

I also dive same stuff all year. PNW never gets warm as far as water is concerned.

Cold makes you go slower? Cold means more effort for the same amount of work. That equates to more conservative, which is what the Uwatec model becomes in coldwater. I'm sorry, I cannot see your logic.
Maybe CCR makes a difference?

Would be true if cold water meant you got cold. Makes no difference to me during the dive what the water temp is.

Work of diving is the same at 15C as at 0C. Its only when it gets below -2C and starts to go solid that it gets harder to swim :wink:

Rebreather helps as its warm gas.

If you are cold you have less skin circulation and hence the takeup of Nitrogen into the skin tissue is slowed (and the release is also slowed)

If you are hot/warm you take up gas faster but can release it faster

Generally the effects cancel each other out and most deco models ignore temprature

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