Vytec questions

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I'm interested in the purchase of a Suunto Vytec, wich seems very close to my needs, I have just some questions that are still unclear after reading the whole documentation awayble online...
-The maximum ascent speed allowed changes with the septh or is always the same (ex between 10 and 0 mt is 10m/s, is the same also between 60 and 50 mt ?)
-In the Nitrox mode if I choose air as MIX1 and I set a max PO2 of 1.6 atm when I go deeper than 61 meters the Po2 alarm will start beeping foe 3 minutes?
-In the technical specifications is written "max depth of operation for the depth gauge is 80 meters, this means that a 90 meters the depth gauge doesn'work anymore ?
-the computer gives deco stops only between 3 and 6 mt or in case of longer deco starts with deeper stops ?
-Is possible to eliminate some alarms like the 50 bars, no deco limit, etc... and if yes is possible to mantain the fast ascent alarm activate contemporary ?

Thank you for the answers

Best Regards

You might like to post these questions directly to Suunto. But would you really want to go to 61m (200 feet) on air?!?

The maximum depth is also supposed to be 150m (492 feet). The 80m (262 feet) given in the technical specifications appears to be standards related - there is a compliance note - perhaps Suunto are only allowed to claim accuracy to 80m even though it will measure deeper???

Maximum ascent rate AFAIK is always 10m (33 feet)/minute.
thanx 4 the answer :)

P.S.A. offers a certification "deep air" who allow to max depth of 61 mt., french CMAS people have certification from the national scuba federation who allow down to 60...
Is not an easy depth, but if u are trained and cautious is nothing impossible... at 60 mt you have an oxigen partial pressure of 1.6 ata more or less

and thanx 4 the hint I will turn the question to Suunto also :)
Okay, metric-time...

Assuming surface ppO2 0.21, and ppN2 is 0.79...

at 60m, ppO2 is 1.47 (7 ATA * 0.21) - commonly observed limits are 1.4 for activity, 1.6 for emergency or at rest (eg decompressing) - so this isn't going to kill you...

but! but! but!

at 60m, ppN2 is a whopping 5.53 (7 ATA * 0.79). And that's not taking into account the narcotic value of oxygen, which is still being debated. I doubt you could even spell narcosis at that level. ppN2 at 30m is 3.16, and ppN2 at 40m is 3.95. 30m is a commonly observed "equivalent narcotic depth" (END) for diving with mixed gases. ppO2 is only ONE limiting factor of deep diving. Narcosis by itself won't kill you, but it can sure let other simple things do it for you. How efficiently would you deal with an emergency at that depth on air? Would you react fast enough or in a correct manner to resolve the problem?

Just because someone is fool enough to issue a certification to those depths, doesn't mean it is right. Don't mean to jump on you, but don't be misled by the fact that a certification exists, that it's okay to go ahead and dive those depths on air. It would be interesting to know when those certifications were introduced - they quite possibly predate nitrox and trimix usage.

Forgot to mention good luck with your enquiries to Suunto - post the answers in this thread if you get a response from them.

Regarding the French diving federation (I don' t remember the correct name), yes this didactic/certification is pre-trimix, or at least was formuled before the trimix was avayble by everyone;
P.s.a. is a technical training agency who offers nitrox/trimix courses too and their deep-air course is one of their "best-seller" (if the espression is correct, sorry 4 my english :)), also T.D.I offers a similar course, but with a max brevet depth of 55mt.
reading their material, my personal interpretation is that they "coexist" with high levels of narcosis by beeing over-trained in the principal tasks they have to do...
If intrested you will surely find out more in thei websites...

I will surely post Suunto answers on this forum (if any)

bengiddins once bubbled...

Forgot to mention good luck with your enquiries to Suunto - post the answers in this thread if you get a response from them.

I have sent an email with a question in it to Suunto and within 3 days had a reply not only from Sunnto but from the importer in this country.

On the other side, I dive deep 60m + on reqular occasions, and U can argue the point to you are blue in the face, some people like to dive shallow, some people like to dive deep and some pople like the idea of having an agency certifying them for a given depth. The bottom line is people can drown in less then a metre of water - Only dive within your skill level, and skill only comes with experence and training.
For the deep question I like Scubamedic opinion very much :wink:
For the Suunto answermaybe you had a better luck than me...is now 2 week I sent them my questions and still waiting... :(
Maybe someone in this forum can help me in particular answering to my alarms-related questions :)

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