1/2 mile from Vortex! You suck! LOL.
Swing on by. I only know a couple of people in the group, some I am meeting for the first time myself.
I am a newbie myself, the rest are all very experienced cavers.
We should be easy to recognize as three of us all have Buechat BC's, whcih ain't that common. One of us three will be in a blue drysuit, the other two of us will be in in black and blue full henderson wetsuits. The two of us in wetsuit have the old military style haircuts. The only problem is, all three of use are named James. LOL. I am the young one, 26. The other two are in their 30's and 40's. You might see us by a dark blue Ford ranger extended cab.
I will be doing some cavern work, but if they decide to do some caving, it would be nice to have someone to dive with.