Visa requirements for everywhere but Thailand.

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I am planning to go for my PADI Dive Master and travelling SE Asia and eventually S.America working.

So I'm wondering as I travel and work in Asia how do people in each of the respective countries deal with working in those countries?

In particular I am wondering about:-

1. How do people deal with Visa requirements in tose countries? I know the Thai requirements seemed very easy to get round according to the DM's I talked to, by sending your passport over the border to get restamped?
2. How easy it is to get work as a DM/Instructor? And is the pay enough to live off ? I know Thailand is swamped with DM's and Instructors (therefore its bad pay & hard to get work), but what's it like elsewhere?

I am interested in ANYWHERE in Asia, but in particular Malaysia, Indonesia, Micronesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, India (hmmm...I guess that's most then!)

If there are divers in these places you're advice would be great!

Thanks in advance for any help.


sasson once bubbled...
I am planning to go for my PADI Dive Master and travelling SE Asia and eventually S.America working.

1. How do people deal with Visa requirements in tose countries?

2. How easy it is to get work as a DM/Instructor? And is the pay enough to live off ? I know Thailand is swamped with DM's and Instructors (therefore its bad pay & hard to get work), but what's it like elsewhere?

I am interested in ANYWHERE in Asia, but in particular Malaysia,


Couple places I would recommend in Malaysia.

1. Perhentian Kecil Island. Backpackers Heaven with beautiful beaches, great diving and good selection of dive shops. Check out Spice Diver, they have their own guest chalet. If you do your DM with them, you may get a better deal on the chalet. I stayed in a wooded hut which cost me less than US$3 a day.

2. Tioman Island. Excellent dive sites. Check out Dive Asia, a 5 star PADI IDC center on Salang Beach. Yes there is a PADI Course Director on the island! So you can do your IDC there! I suggest you do your IDC there so that you can earn more $$ as an instructor instead of a DM.

Instructor on Perhentian Kecil make more $$ than Tioman due to price fixing and less competition. So get your IDC on Tioman then go to Perhentian Kecil.

As for work visa, I can't post the info on this board....... talk to the dive shops and they WILL help you or TEACH you how to ..... You will be alright.

Have a great trip.
Cheers Beach Bum - That's great info! It's good to get some 1st hand knowledge (& to hear that things can get sorted visa-wise)

Crazed_dolphin - I had pretty much just thought about doing my DM in Thailand - Koh Tao or Phi Phi depending on the weather...but I am considering Malaysia more and more as I hear more about it... :)

If anyone else has any info on the other countries (even if it's a "don't worry - been there, done that and it's easy to get sorted") then I'd love to hear.
Hi Sasson,
I replied to your previous post on doing the dm in Thailand. I just got back from a trip to Malaysia and I was speaking to some dms about their visas. As with Thailand, they all work illegally on tourist visas.

I remember telling you that it'd be tough to find a job as a dm in Thailand, well, I still think that's true. However, on the Perhentians in Malaysia, mosts of the dms I met were not instructors. You'd definitely have a better chance at work after your idc but I'd say you'll be able to find something if you look around. Same goes for Redang. Both are fantastic sites but the visibility there is terrible right now.
jiveturkey once bubbled...
I just got back from a trip to Malaysia and I was speaking to some dms about their visas. As with Thailand, they all work illegally on tourist visas.

Dear Sasson,

It should be pretty easy to get a job as a DM in Malaysia or Thailand soon. Jiveturkey should have all the existing ones thrown in jail soon with that last post.

Good lord! Let's hope that there are no computer-wise government workers on line.

Good luck!
Zippsy once bubbled...
Dear Sasson,
It should be pretty easy to get a job as a DM in Malaysia or Thailand soon. Jiveturkey should have all the existing ones thrown in jail soon with that last post.

Good lord! Let's hope that there are no computer-wise government workers on line.

Good luck!

Oh come now. :rolleyes: The entire system is based on this practice. It's not like I exposed some great mystery. Immigration is well aware of this situation. They come around several times a year to collect their "taxes" in cash from the establishment owners. This is just how it's done and nothing is going to change anytime soon.

I worked on Phi Phi for a while having completed my IDC there.

I highly recommend the place - great diving and a great life style. TThailand is a fab place.

Sure you work but what the hell - that's what you are there to do.

Visa req - no problem, there are ways and means but best to talk to the dive outfits. Lots of new DM's and instructors but it's not too hard to get work.

msg me if you want detailed advice on PP or the outfits on the Island - happy to help. I'm going back again this season. Can't keep away.

Blue Kangaroo

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