For those of you on Florida's Suncoast, if you havn't been out since Isadore, you're not missing much. I was out last Saturday off of Pasco in 60' of water and it was a braille dive. Vis was 1' at best. Let me put it this way, I couldn't read my dive computer unless I had it 6" from my mask. Came back in to 20' depth and still 1'.
I have it on good authority from others that it was 1' in 78', also on Saturday, and by Sunday off of Pinellas in about 80' there was 5-10 vis.
With Lilli coming through towards LA, the gulfcoast will likely be silted out for a while. For those of you who might be competing in the Southern Open Spearfishing Tourney out of Tarpon Springs, to the best of my knowledge, a call has not been made yet whether or not to reschedule it for a second time. I am going to a meeting tomorrow night that should render more news.
If the tourney is cancelled, I am hoping to swamp the boat on rod and reel, as the fish should be chewin pretty good by now. Some cut-up Menhadden should be stinky enough to lead them through the snow storm.
I have it on good authority from others that it was 1' in 78', also on Saturday, and by Sunday off of Pinellas in about 80' there was 5-10 vis.
With Lilli coming through towards LA, the gulfcoast will likely be silted out for a while. For those of you who might be competing in the Southern Open Spearfishing Tourney out of Tarpon Springs, to the best of my knowledge, a call has not been made yet whether or not to reschedule it for a second time. I am going to a meeting tomorrow night that should render more news.
If the tourney is cancelled, I am hoping to swamp the boat on rod and reel, as the fish should be chewin pretty good by now. Some cut-up Menhadden should be stinky enough to lead them through the snow storm.