Vis Report -- JunkYard

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Reaction score
West Seattle
# of dives
500 - 999
And this was at five feet:

I did manage to get a good shot of this guy.
Very sad. Was your lens covered with algae? Ha!
Thanks, I feel much better now. I've been feeling quite despondent at not being able to get over there this month. However, we have the same vis here, and since you can't see anything anyway, I'll just pretend to be there.
I must say that this picture is the best one ever taken of me yet!

Major props to DeepDog who could manage to get him a second job as helping out divers in destress when they lock them selves out of their cars. This of corse due to my sillyness for locking my car keys in the car even after DeepDog reminded me 3 times "If I had my keys" before I shut the door.

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