Yes to wrecks, as long as there is little to no sediment in the water, but also for palegics. With a very wide port and filters on your lens and also on the Keldans, it just about gets up there. In essence it’s more for foreground and background balance and even colour across the full scope. The filters do drop down the output, but you don’t want the palegic swimming up over you and having the whites ‘red out’ closer to the camera.
Nice on reefs, but would have to be very clear to rock that much light and have the benefits outweigh the scatter. I use them in that config ‘more’ in open water. Never with macro. I sometimes may use 2 X8’s at lower power, but I’m paranoid about accidentally cooking something, so I usually snoot and strobe.
Nice on reefs, but would have to be very clear to rock that much light and have the benefits outweigh the scatter. I use them in that config ‘more’ in open water. Never with macro. I sometimes may use 2 X8’s at lower power, but I’m paranoid about accidentally cooking something, so I usually snoot and strobe.