Victoria Vis conditions?

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I went to a spot a bit North of Christmas Pt. in Saanich Inlet today. Vis was 10-20 feet in the shallows and 30-40' below 25 feet deep. There were lots of white plankton chunks at all depths. Max I went to was 130'.

I dove Willis PT on Friday morning and it was exactly the same, I was trying my new
21W HID. Today I did the clean up in the Gorge the viz wasn't as good.:D

If anyone's in the Victoria area they should seriously get out to the Breakwater as soon as possible. Visibility was about 50 feet out at the end today. The rockfish were schooling in the thousands, I could see almost the entire slope of plumose anemones at once. I saw another ratfish and several rockfish that I've never seen before and can't find in a guide book. It seems like every time I dive here lately, I see a new species of rockfish.
60 to 80ft in the inlet under 60ft, above 60ft it was a good 40ft. Did a total of 187 minutes today at McCurdy PT and the White Lady.

Damn, all the great vis around Victoria and I'm not there to enjoy it. Vis here in Jamaica is a steady 50 - 100'.

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