Versa Pro - Decompression Mode

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Reaction score
Davis, CA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I use V-Planner to back up my dive computer. Is there a dive planning function for deco dives on the Versa Pro that will allow me to compare planned deco depths and times to my V-Planner deco schedules?
The Versa Pro does have a simulator mode - press and hold both buttons past SET 1, SET 2, then release when you see SIM. Refer to the Operating Manual from there to set existing or "new" Nitrogen loading, and controls to descend, ascend and speed up time.

Doug Krause:
The Versa Pro does have a simulator mode - press and hold both buttons past SET 1, SET 2, then release when you see SIM. Refer to the Operating Manual from there to set existing or "new" Nitrogen loading, and controls to descend, ascend and speed up time.

I have seen the function in the manual. Does it work for deco planning or just NDL diving?

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