Venice Beach tomorrow (July 3rd)

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Reaction score
Gainesville, Florida
# of dives
25 - 49
Hello Everyone,

A friend and I are coming down from Gainesville tomorrow to do some diving. I think we are going to try and go from the Alhambra site. We are going to try and be there between 12:00-1:00. We are not quite sure what time we will be leaving here tomorrow morning, somewhere around 8:00-9:00 AM. This will be the first time either of us have been diving in this area, but we are looking forward to trying to find some teeth.

He heard from a friend in the area that the weather has been pretty rough and vis was probably low from it, but we're going to try. If anyone wants to join us we would love to have some more folks to dive with. Our wives will be with us and are planning on hanging out on the beach. I know this is short notice, but we hope to see some folks out.

Well that's not good news. Oh well. I guess we'll go and see. We are coming down to see the fireworks in Sarasota and thought since we were so close we'd see what we could find. If the vis is that bad then we may just head back up the road and find something else to do.
If you're going to make the trip, you may want to change up your plans to get there earlier: high tide predictions are between 0900-1000 along with the vis typically better in the mornings, getting worse towards afternoon. Considering the sustained Westerly winds of late, I'd do everything I could to optimize my timing: a morning arrival just prior to high tide will likely get you better vis. I'm NOT a morning person, and I'd choose to leave at 0600 to be in the water by 0900 given the conditions.

I've made the drive a few times and gotten skunked. It sucks to arrive at Alahambra or Service Club and not see any divers' vehicles or flags and know that the vis is blown out. Makes for a good opportunity to check out the area though.

Good luck with it!
Thanks for letting me know. I guess going to work tomorrow wont be so bad then huh. Maybe by the weekend it will get better?

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